




Whether to produce high-quality breakfast cereals, grain snacks, food ingredients, petfood or aquafeed: DG people offer great leeway for parameter settings – effectively enabling the customer to make almost any kind of extruded product.The goal of cooking extrusion is to cause starch gelatinization and/or protein denaturation during the process. These modifications are determined by the rotational speed of the screws and the applied shear forces. That gives the customer the option to define the product’s degree of gelatinization, texture and quality. However, product quality is not only dependent on the structure of the extruder but above all on the skill and experience of the operator. Here at DG machinery we understand the importance of continuous research and development, A range of services has also been developed to exploit the latest technology to maximise efficiency, and minimise cost of ownership of new and existing plant and processes. Innovation Centres. Key parts of the company's resources, and its policy of support from initial concept to maximising plant performance, are the Innovation Centres where customers can develop new end products and processes without absorbing valuable production plant time. DG’s diverse business environment breeds a pool of innovative business thinkers, which allows for a vast range of multifaceted approaches to problem solving. Our unique approach to problem solving ensures that a range of creative solutions can be developed to meet the requirements of customers and company processes alike.


The Corn Flakes Processing Line
The Corn Flakes Processing Line 玉米片是一种新型、具有很高营养价值的早餐食品。主要以谷物为基本原料,采用蒸煮或挤压工艺加工而成,形状有颗粒状,薄片状,或动物造型。其突出特点是含有丰富的复合碳水化合物及膳食纤维,同时玉米片早餐谷物即可以强化许多微量元素,如维生素和矿物质,又可添加可可和糖分,如蜂蜜、麦芽糖等。兑入牛奶、咖啡、酸...