




Huizhou medical bios technology co.,ltd is also committed to supply custom-made (specialized) products,Website:, where we feel machine-made products wouldn't satisfy our customers. As the technological advance continues to improve in the healthcare industry, Huizhou medical bios technology co.,ltd also committed to continually upgrade, modify, design and products that are hygiene, fiber glass-free and up to clean room products as part of ISO 14001, we are also committed to use products that are safe, comfortable for health professionals and also safe to the environment.


KN95 Respirator Mask
KN95 Respirator Mask KN95 Respirator Mask,Adult Mask
Reusable Adult Mask
Reusable Adult Mask Reusable Adult Mask,Adult Mask
Medical Respirator
Medical Respirator Medical Respirator,Adult Mask
5 PLY Face Masks
5 PLY Face Masks 5 PLY Face Masks,Adult Mask
Disposable Adult Mask
Disposable Adult Mask Disposable Adult Mask,Adult Mask