




永固集团股份有限公司位于世界地质公园(温州)雁荡山南麓,始创于1985年,是一家集科研、开发、制造、贸易、服务于一体的国内电缆附件、电力金具行业首家全国无区域集团股份有限公司,总注册资本14308万元,总资产3亿多元,年产值达7亿元,员工1000多人,厂房总面积5万多平方米,综合实力名列国内同行前茅。“固”牌商标为中国驰名商标“固”牌电力金具为浙江名牌产品,“永固金具”企业商号为浙江省知名商号,公司为全国乡镇企业创名牌重点企业、浙江省诚信示范企业。公司以生产经营电缆附件、电力金具为主导产业,组建多家子公司拓展关联电力产品的生产,专业化生产电力设备、复合绝缘子、氧化锌避雷器、隔离开关、熔断器等产品,共10多个大类,300多个系列,5000多个品种。 电缆附件有混炼、注塑、挤出、模压、气扩、油扩、涂胶、辐照、包装、模具加工中心等车间,配备有国内先进的电缆附件生产流水线65条,并全套引进法国REP公司的液体硅橡胶注射装置和工艺技术及配套模具,硅橡胶冷缩电缆附件全部采用进口原料生 产。电力金具有铸铁、铸铝、锻压、机械加工、热镀锌等车间,配备了数控车床、高低压铸造机、型材挤压机等各类生产加工设备千余台(套)。公司组建了技术研发中心和检测试验室,有机械、理化、耐压和局放、热循环试验等多个实验室,仪器设备齐全,并引进了金属分析仪、多功能红外分析装置等先进检测设备,已通过省级实验室认证。技术研发中心先后被授予为省级乡镇企业技术服务中心和市级企业技术中心。 公司已通过ISO9001:2000国际质量体系认证和ISO14000国际环境管理体系认证,产品均持有生产许可证,电力金具已采用国际标准,严格按国际标准组织生产。电缆附件、电力金具及其它配套产品分别经国电公司电力金具质检中心、中国电力科学研究院、 国网武汉高压研究院、西安高压研究所等单位检测合格。


aluminium copper lug
aluminium copper lug aluminium inside covered with neutral grease for a best electrical contact, closed by a protection cap.
aluminium copper butt connector
aluminium copper butt connector material:AL-CU surface:uncoated
aluminium splice
aluminium splice filled with neature grease,extremities closed by a protection cap.
copper terminal
copper terminal electrolytic copper electrolytic tin plating process other coating on request
copper splicing connector
copper splicing connector
接线端子 End aluminium-copper lugs(friction welded) Aluminium insides covered with neutral grease electrical contact, closed by a protection cap.
connector It is suitable for the connection of copper splicing of copper splicing wire, made of C shaped copper material.
suspension clamp
suspension clamp Range from 16 to 120 mm2 messenger cable and constitued by an opened thermoplastic body with very high mechanical and climatic resistance.
suspension clamp
suspension clamp single or double anchoring for preassenbled insulated cables with 35 to 95 sqmm almelec carrier neutral
cable tie
cable tie cable ties is suitable for aerial line up to 35kv, fixing aluminium wire or steel core minium wire on the strain pole, aerial insulation aluminium ...
parallel groove connector
parallel groove connector Bolts:High strength,corrosion-resistant,aluminium alloy with hot forged bimetallic sheet, for copper tap-off Bolts:hot-dip galvanized Nuts: hot-dip...
cable terminal and joint
cable terminal and joint low-voltage product of heat shrinkable cable kit is suitable for the end of cable dealing and intermediate link of 1 kv. The products are classifie...
shrinkable cable termination
shrinkable cable termination this termination is suitable for the end dealing of the 35kv cross-linking cable
rubber insulation
rubber insulation high voltage circuitry rod supension insulators suit for pollution resistance, especially in the heavy pollution resistance, dilatation intension i...
rubber insulator
rubber insulator installation convenience
cable termination
cable termination This termination produced according to the customer demand and specified of installation environment,e,g, open fire is strictly prohibited in such...
parallel groove connector
parallel groove connector Bolts:High strength, corrosion-resistant,aluminium alloy with hot forged bimetallic sheet,for copper tap-off Bolts:hot-dip galvanized Nuts:hot-dip ...
H type aluminium connector
H type aluminium connector
parallel groove connector
parallel groove connector CAPG APG PGA PGS PGM PGL PGC JBTL JBT JBL
parallel groove connector
parallel groove connector JB
copper wire
copper wire copper brided wire adopts super-quality round copper wire tinning soft round copperwire to be braided in multiple-thread one layer or many layers. ...
copper flexible connector
copper flexible connector