Industrial business line

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Industrial business line

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The company "Industrial Business Line" offers you a comprehensive supply of any goods, equipment, machines, production lines in China, Taiwan and Korea.
Our specialists have over 20 years working with the East Asian markets. The experience and professionalism of employees will allow you to buy quality equipment of any subject, any technique that corresponds exactly to your needs, at the best price.

Our company will help you:
• Looking goods manufacturers in China.
• Delivery of product samples of new producers.
• In procurement, logistics and customs clearance (including the delivery of the goods to your warehouse).
• Keeping in providing FEA (foreign economic activity).
• In the implementation of foreign trade transactions.
• Assistance in product certification

Products pass quality control. All equipment, production lines given by the manufacturer's warranty.

With us business with China to become profitable, simple and straightforward.


Laser machine
Laser machine TQL-MFC500-3015 Technical parameters of thickness of the sheet material Laser power: 500W Working surface: 1500h3000 Carbon / Mild Steel Max 6 mm T...