Ningbo Yuyao Haiqin Fire Fighting Equipment Co., Ltd

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Ningbo Yuyao Haiqin Fire Fighting Equipment Co., Ltd

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1. All kinds of ABC dry powder fire extinguishing agent
2. Fire Extinguishers:
- ABC/BC Powder Fire Ext.
- Stainless Steel Fire Ext.
- CO2 Fire Ext.
- Trolley/Wheel Fire Ext.
- Automatic/Hang Fire Ext.
3. Valves of Extinguishers
4. Pressure Gauges
5. Accessories of Extinguishers
6. Fire Hose
7. Coupling, Joint
8. Nozzle
9. Fire Hydrant Valves


 Fire Extinguisher, ABC Dry Chemical Powder
Fire Extinguisher, ABC Dry Chemical Powder Fire Extinguisher, ABC Dry Chemical Powder