
Hot Selling Laser Welding Plate Heat Exchanger Condenser

SPC condenser is applied in the condensing working condition of chemical process , or used as top condenser of distillation equipment, or used as exhaust gas condenser in combustion equipment. Itis based onworldleading technologyof laser welding pillow plate heat exchange technology. Pillow plates are arranged according to certain distances and form a parallel. Outside plates is the wider channel for one fluid, inside plates is the channel for another fluid to exchange heat. Pillow plate together with wide channel design not only makes high heat exchange coefficient possible, but also has technical advantages superior to traditional heat exchangers, including low pressure drop, high temperature and high pressure resistance and easy cleaning.


Power generation industry

Chemical industry

Petrochemical industry

Laser welding pillow plate:

Heat exchange pillow plate is machined by full automatic laser welding and forming process. Its unique pillow structure makes fluid into optimum turbulence state to achieve high efficient heat exchange. It also boasts various advantages such as dust proof, high temperature and high pressure resistance and easy cleaning, etc.

Pillow plate concept:

Pillow plate is laser welded by two plates all around and in the middle area full of weld flowers. After the forming process, the inner part of the heat transfer plate forms a pillow type cavity. Pillow design creates excellent turbulence and provides self supporting structure. In practical applications, the additional welding path is often added in the pillow heat exchange plate, in order to adjust and control the flow of fluid into and out of the heat exchange plate nozzle position, the fluid velocity and flow rate inside plate, so as to optimize the heat exchange effect.

Pillow plate Advantages:

1)Excellent turbulence design, high heat exchange coefficient

2)High welding realiability

3)Small external surface resistance, not easy to product dirt

4)High temperature and high pressure resistance

5)Wide channel, low pressure drop, easy to clean

6)Flexible shape to maintain optimal heat exchange effect

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