air casters also called Air bearing movers
for transporting heavy cargo improve the productive efficiency a lot and save labor force
for transporting heavy cargo can be placed anywhere
you like, you can move and handle the task handling all types and shapes of devices
moved flexibly and no pollution. Use air as material source.
is simple in structure
is the best choice for clean room moveing and handling
Our company has been exported to all parts of the world.
for transporting heavy cargo
Regarding air bearing movers details, air pallets price list, air bearing load carriers manual instruction, air casters application,More information please kindly feel free . professionally service hope will get your satisfaction.
Shan Dong Finer Lifting Tools co.,LTD
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air casters offers versatile positioning to fit any load
is an efficient transport system.
is rapidly gaining a wide variety of uses in diverse load handling applications. products are available –...
Air bearing casters details with price list
Air bearing movers also called air bearing load carrier, air pallets, air casters, , air bearing kits, air skates and so on names.
Our company pr...
air casters offers versatile positioning to fit any load
Air bearing casters Typicalapplications : Air casters Position or move heavy machinery inside a factory;
Transport between production station...
Air bearing casters power source is compressed air
, air pads for moving equipment utilize available factory compressed air to float heavy loads easily and safety. Load movement is smooth and flexib...
Air bearing casters applied on aerospace industry
movers have following capacity: , , , , 48 tons air caster transport systems. is workable depend on the demand.
Regarding air bearing load movers...
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