DaXingAnLing Lingonberry Organic Foodstuffs Co., Ltd

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DaXingAnLing Lingonberry Organic Foodstuffs Co., Ltd

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Daxinganling Lingonberry Organic Foodstuffs Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise specializing in plant extract and foodstuffs. Our factory is located in Daxinganling City, the north part of China. Daxinganling is the only place where the natural environment remains undestroyed in China. This is why we can get thousands of wild plant materials, absolutely natural.
Our company was founded in 2002, and registered by Administration Bureau for Industry and Commerce. Our fixed assets is 9.2 million RMB, annual revenue 10 million RMB, our factory covers 50,000 square meters with 125 employees and 22 technology engineers work for it.

Our main products are:
1. Plant extract (more than 50 types):
Blueberry anthocyanin, arbutin, ursolic acid, oligomeric proanthocyanidines (OPC), capsicum red, capsaicin.
2. IQF fruit:
IQF lingonberry, IQF blueberry, IQF blackcurrant, IQF red raspberry.
3. Fruit concentrate:
Lingonberry concentrate, blueberry concentrate, blackcurrant concentrate.
4. Fruit powder:
Black currant powder, blueberry powder, lingonberry powder.
5. Natural colorant:
Blueberry anthocyanin, lingonberry red, capsanthin, lycopene, beta-carotene.

More than 90% of our products are exported to Japan and Europe. Please feel free to contact us for further information.


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