Pressing Bonded SmCo Magnet
Pressing Bonded SmCoPressing Bonded SmCo magnet is made by mixing the SmCo magnetic powder with polymer materials,Website:, then through the mold to press and form the various magnet shapes.(We can get the higher-performance anisotropic products by applying the magnetic field orientation during the molding proecess).The Bonded SmCo magnet not only has high accuracy, various shape, characteristics, but also the strong corrosion resistance, generally without surface treastment; as well as the high temperature stability.Magnetic properties and physical parameters of pressing Bonded SmCo:GradeBrHcbHcj(BH)maxRecoi permeabilityRecoil temperature coefficient of B
%/Magnetizing fiedDensitymTkGSkA/mkOekA/mkOeJ/m3MGOerkA/mkOeg/cm3PBS-4T380~4203.8~4.2200~2802.5~3.5640~10308.0~13.028~363.5~4.51.05-0.032800356.4~7.0PBS-5T410~5404.1~5.4265~3603.3~4.5640~12008.0~15.036~444.5~5.51.05-0.032800356.5~7.0PBS-9610~6606.1~6.6415~4805.2~6.0640~12008.0~15.068~768.5~9.51.05-0.032800356.6~7.1PBS-11640~7206.4~7.2430~5105.4~6.4640~12008.0~15.076~889.5~11.01.05-0.132800356.7~7.2T stands for the isotropic material
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