ASTM A178 Weld Boiler Tube

As one of the best astm a178 weld boiler tube manufacturers and suppliers,Website:, and equipped with one of the well-known astm a178 weld boiler tube brands and productive factory and company, World Iron & Steel Co.,Ltd is always at your service.1)MaterialsGradeA ,Grade C,GradeD Bolier steel tube.2)SizeOD 1/2in-5in(12.7-127mm) 3)Wall thickness0.035in-0.360in(0.9-9.1mm)4)Different nameCondenser steel tube,heat-exchanger tube,low carbon steel pipe,Resistance welded steel tube ,Bolier flues,Spoerheater flues and safe ends,ERW carbon steel pipes.5)Chemical Composition:7)Referenced Documents:ASTM standards:A450/A450M Specification for General Requirements for Carbon,Ferritic Alloy,and Austenitic Alloy steel tubes.E213 Practice for Ultrasonic Examination of Metal pipe and tubing.E273 Practice for Ultrasonic Examination of Longitudinal Welded Pipe and Tubing.8)Manufacturing Process:ERW9)Heat treatment:After welding,all tubes shall be heat treated at a temperature of 1650°F(900℃) or higher and followed by cooling in air or in the cooling chamber of a controlled-atmosphere furnace,Cold-drawn tubes shall be heat treated after the final cold-draw pass at a temperature of 1200°F(650℃)or higher.Surface Condition:Finished tubes shall be free of scale,A slight amount of oxidation will not be considered as scale.10)Mechanical Tests Required:Flattenting TestFlaring testFlange testCrush testTension testReverse Flattening testHydrostatic or Nondestructive Electric Test
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