Colorful Baccarat Dealing Shoe With Poker Analyzer And Vibrator Casino Cheating Devices
Thisisanewtechnologyproductforthebaccaratgame,beforemaybemanypeopleknowthedealing shoecanseethefaceoffirstcomingcardorknowwhatthecardsarebylookingatthebarcodeslines onthesidesofcards,andjustcanusetheremotecontroltocontrolthefirstcomingcardupanddown,
butitisunabletoknowwhoarewinner,thatis,theycannottellyoubanker(dealer)iswinnerorplayer is winnerortie.
Whilethisnewtechnologybaccaratdealingshoesystemwillbeabletotellyouwhoiswinner.Buthowto usethiskindofbaccaratdealingshoe?Youhavetousethebarcodesmarkingplayingcardswhichare forpokeranalyzer.Fromthebeginning,youhavetoopenthepowerofdealingshoe,andthenusethe remotecontroltoturnthecamerainsidethedealingshoeon,andputthemarkedcardsintothedealing shoe,thentheminicamerawillscanthebarcodesofmarkedcards,thentheanalyzerwillanalyzethe barcodesonthesidesofmarkedcardsandtellyouwhoiswinner,youwillbeabletoheartheresultby wearingthewirelessmicroearpieceorusethevibrators,andthiskindofbaccaratdealingshoewillalso tellyouwhichcardyou shouldchangeandthenwillbeabletochangethewinner.
Asforthedealingshoe,wecanmakedifferentsizesandcolorofdealingshoesforyouasyourequired, suchasthedealingshoesfor1deckofcards,or6decksofcardsor8decksofcardsandsoon,asyou justneedtotellushowmanydecksofcardsyouwillputintothedealingshoe.Andwealsocanmake yourownuniquedealingshoeasyourequired.
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