JinHang Precision Bearing Co.,LTD


JinHang Precision Bearing Co.,LTD



JinHang Precision bearing offer high precision YRT 395 rotary table bearing,spindle bearing,crossed roller bearing,cylindrical roller bearing,crossed tapered roller bearing,slewing bearing ,thrust roller bearing and other super precision bearing.


塑料挤出机轴承 M3CT420A 4x20x32mm
塑料挤出机轴承 M3CT420A 4x20x32mm The thrust cylindrical roller bearing M3CT420A with size 4x20x32mm , the inner diameter:4 mm, the outer diameter:20mm, the total height:21mm Ta...
3 列串联轴承现货供应 M3CT420EA 4x20x32mm
3 列串联轴承现货供应 M3CT420EA 4x20x32mm The thrust cylindrical roller bearing M3CT420EA with size 4x20x32mm , the inner diameter:4 mm, the outer diameter:20mm, the total height:21mm T...
串联轴承挤出机专用 M3CT645  6x45x69mm
串联轴承挤出机专用 M3CT645 6x45x69mm The thrust cylindrical roller bearing M3CT645with size 6x45x69mm , the inner diameter:6 mm, the outer diameter:45mm, the total height:69mm Tand...
挤出机轴承推力轴承  M3CT1242E  12*42*62.4mm
挤出机轴承推力轴承 M3CT1242E 12*42*62.4mm The thrust cylindrical roller bearing M3CT1242Ewith size 12*42*62.4mm , the inner diameter:12 mm, the outer diameter:42mm, the total height:62.4mm ...
串联轴承3列推力滚子 M3CT1949E 19x49x67mm
串联轴承3列推力滚子 M3CT1949E 19x49x67mm The thrust cylindrical roller bearing M3CT1949Ewith size 19x49x67mm , the inner diameter:19 mm, the outer diameter:49mm, the total height:67mm ...
塑料挤出机轴承 M3CT2385   23mm 23x85x97mm
塑料挤出机轴承 M3CT2385 23mm 23x85x97mm The thrust cylindrical roller bearing M3CT2385 with size 23x85x97mm , the inner diameter:23 mm, the outer diameter:85mm, the total height:97mm ...
推力串联轴承 M3CT2468 24x68x70mm
推力串联轴承 M3CT2468 24x68x70mm The thrust cylindrical roller bearing M3CT2468 with size 23x85x97mm , the inner diameter:24 mm, the outer diameter:68mm, the total height:70mm ...
双螺杆挤出机串联推力圆柱轴承  M3CT2866 28x66x82mm
双螺杆挤出机串联推力圆柱轴承 M3CT2866 28x66x82mm The thrust cylindrical roller bearing M3CT2866 with size 28x66x82mm , the inner diameter:28 mm, the outer diameter:66mm, the total height:82mm ...
串列推力圆柱滚子轴承 M3CT2990  28x90x98mm
串列推力圆柱滚子轴承 M3CT2990 28x90x98mm The thrust cylindrical roller bearing M3CT2990 with size 28x66x82mm , the inner diameter:28 mm, the outer diameter:90mm, the total height:82mm ...
 串联塑料挤出机轴承M3CT3073 现货 30x73x89mm
串联塑料挤出机轴承M3CT3073 现货 30x73x89mm The thrust cylindrical roller bearing M3CT3073with size 30x73x89mm, the inner diameter:30 mm, the outer diameter:73mm, the total height:89mm Ta...
塑料挤出机专用轴承 M3CT3278 price 32x78x84mm
塑料挤出机专用轴承 M3CT3278 price 32x78x84mm The thrust cylindrical roller bearing M3CT3278 with size 32x78x84mm, the inner diameter:32 mm, the outer diameter:78mm, the total height:84mm T...
串联轴承 M3CT3278   尺寸  32x78x84mm 现货供应
串联轴承 M3CT3278 尺寸 32x78x84mm 现货供应 The thrust cylindrical roller bearing M3CT33105 with size 33x105x115mm, the inner diameter:33 mm, the outer diameter:105mm, the total height:115mm ...
挤出机轴承 M3CT38150  38x150x163mm
挤出机轴承 M3CT38150 38x150x163mm The thrust cylindrical roller bearing M3CT38150 with size 38x150x163mm, the inner diameter:38 mm, the outer diameter:150mm, the total height:163mm ...
  挤出机轴承塑料轴承M3CT40110  尺寸 40x110x123mm
挤出机轴承塑料轴承M3CT40110 尺寸 40x110x123mm The thrust cylindrical roller bearing M3CT40110 with size 40x110x123mm, the inner diameter:40 mm, the outer diameter:110mm, the total height:123mm ...
挤出机串联轴承 M3CT50160 尺寸 50x160x167mm
挤出机串联轴承 M3CT50160 尺寸 50x160x167mm The thrust cylindrical roller bearing M3CT50160 with size 40x110x123mm, the inner diameter:50 mm, the outer diameter:160mm, the total height:167mm ...
串联轴承塑料挤出机轴承 M4CT527  5x27x52mm
串联轴承塑料挤出机轴承 M4CT527 5x27x52mm The thrust cylindrical roller bearing M4CT527 with size 5x27x52mm, the inner diameter:5 mm, the outer diameter:27mm, the total height:52mm Tand...
食物挤出机专用轴承 M4CT527E  尺寸 5x27x52mm
食物挤出机专用轴承 M4CT527E 尺寸 5x27x52mm The thrust cylindrical roller bearing M4CT527E with size 5x27x52mm, the inner diameter:5 mm, the outer diameter:27mm, the total height:52mm Tan...
塑料挤出机专用轴承 M4CT537  尺寸 5x37x78mm
塑料挤出机专用轴承 M4CT537 尺寸 5x37x78mm The thrust cylindrical roller bearing M4CT537 with size 5x37x78mm, the inner diameter:5 mm, the outer diameter:37mm, the total height:78mm Tand...
推力圆柱滚子轴承挤出机轴承 M4CT645E 尺寸 6x45x92mm in stock
推力圆柱滚子轴承挤出机轴承 M4CT645E 尺寸 6x45x92mm in stock The thrust cylindrical roller bearing M4CT645Ewith size 6x45x92mm, the inner diameter:6 mm, the outer diameter:45mm, the total height:92mm Tand...
食品用挤出机轴承多列 M4CT1037 10x37x79mm
食品用挤出机轴承多列 M4CT1037 10x37x79mm The thrust cylindrical roller bearing M4CT1037with size 10x37x79mm, the inner diameter:10 mm, the outer diameter:37mm, the total height:79mm Ta...
塑料挤出机串联轴承 M4CT1037A 10x37x79mm
塑料挤出机串联轴承 M4CT1037A 10x37x79mm Tandem Thrust BearingsM4CT1037Acan receive heavy load in a limited space and support firmly in the direction of axis and last long with low frictio...
四列串联轴承挤出机专用 M4CT1134  11x34x52.5mm
四列串联轴承挤出机专用 M4CT1134 11x34x52.5mm Tandem Thrust BearingsM4CT1134 can receive heavy load in a limited space and support firmly in the direction of axis and last long with low frictio...
齿轮箱专用串联轴承 M4CT1242 shaft 12x42x83.5mm
齿轮箱专用串联轴承 M4CT1242 shaft 12x42x83.5mm Tandem Thrust BearingsM4CT1242 can receive heavy load in a limited space and support firmly in the direction of axis and last long with low frictio...
鱼食 动物饲料挤出机专用轴承 M4CT1860  18x60x101mm
鱼食 动物饲料挤出机专用轴承 M4CT1860 18x60x101mm Tandem Thrust BearingsM4CT1860 can receive heavy load in a limited space and support firmly in the direction of axis and last long with low frictio...
 多列串联推力滚子轴承  M4CT1858 18x58x101mm
多列串联推力滚子轴承 M4CT1858 18x58x101mm Tandem Thrust BearingsM4CT1858 can receive heavy load in a limited space and support firmly in the direction of axis and last long with low frictio...
双轴挤出机串联轴承 M4CT1949E 19x49x88.5mm
双轴挤出机串联轴承 M4CT1949E 19x49x88.5mm Tandem Thrust BearingsM4CT1949Ecan receive heavy load in a limited space and support firmly in the direction of axis and last long with low frictio...