Dekeda Machine Making Co., Ltd.

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Dekeda Machine Making Co., Ltd.

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The brick making machines 、 wall panel machinery and concrete mixing plant and asphalt mixing plant, which we manufacture with advanced technology, the quality is on the top of this field, and even can be compared with the up-to-date technology abroad. Our products not only have taken high domestic market share but also have been sold well all over the world.


unburned  brick machine , wall panel machine,  concrete batching plant
unburned brick machine , wall panel machine, concrete batching plant Our products have been certified by the international quality certification ISO9001:2000 and have passed the inspection conducted by National Const...
unburned  brick machine , wall panel machine,  concrete batching plant
unburned brick machine , wall panel machine, concrete batching plant Our products have been certified by the international quality certification ISO9001:2000 and have passed the inspection conducted by National Const...
unburned  brick machine , wall panel machine,  concrete batching plant
unburned brick machine , wall panel machine, concrete batching plant Our products have been certified by the international quality certification ISO9001:2000 and have passed the inspection conducted by National Const...