Ningbo Lanke Electr Factory

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Ningbo Lanke Electr Factory

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Lanke Electr. Factory is the leading professional manufacturer of nail UV lamp, and it was named Liangliang Electr. Factory before September 30th,2009.

Lanke Electr. Factory is the first manufacturer of LED nail UV, have 10 sizes and 30 kinds of LED nail UV lamps. Besides, more products are developed and researched.95% of Lanke's UV lamps have been exported, the mainly regions is Japan, America, Germany, Italy, Canada, and almost 100 countries is using or used Lanke's products. Lanke has two brands "BETTER","CHERRY" at present and pay attention to self brand promotion, provide good quality products to nail art trade.


LED nail uv lamp
LED nail uv lamp Moon casing LED nail uv lamp Model # LK-D12W 30S 60S 90S TIMER 118pcs LED Bulbs CE ROHS High quality