Shanghai Sheen Medical Instrument Co.,Ltd

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Shanghai Sheen Medical Instrument Co.,Ltd

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Shanghai Sheen Medical Instrument Co.,Ltd is a professional company which go in for researching, manufacture and selling dental equipment, instrument and material. With the purpose of “Seek for high quality, provide perfect service” and principle of “Regard company brand as our life; Consider the customer as the God”, we devote to the development and improvement in dental industry. We established the training center and repair center as well as the Employee team of specialization to concentrate to provide the high quality technical training and after sales service for the dentists. Our own product High efficiency low noise dental furniture Exterior oral suction protective system Protective face mask Gas Lighter Dental Cabinet Dental training simulation


dental products
dental products Dental Cabinet High efficiency low noise dental furniture (lab bench) Protective face mask Dental training simulation Exterior oral suction protect...