Sunshine Factory CO.,Ltd

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Sunshine Factory CO.,Ltd

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Sunshine factory Co., Ltd. Is an established company with many years of exprience. We manufacture all our products in our factory. Our laboratory provides the highest quality. Our factory is located in Sichuan China.

By demonstrating a corporate responsibility towards society we hope to show the true value of our company. Initial estimate shows that, in China, there are two million ESRD(end-stage renal disease)patients,with an increase of 15%,who need regular kidney dialysis treatment. As you might imagine, the global data must be much bigger. For hemodialysis, patients need treatment 2-3 times a week, 4 to 4.5 hours each time. This has led us to create innovative products that provide benefits to every patients around the world. Zirconium phosphate we developed for automated wearable artificial kidney, as a new material, will reduce the treatment cost as a whole, make more patients get effective treatment at home.

Contribution to technologies for patients world wide with zirconium phosphates and other relevant products. That`s our mission.


alpha zirconnium hydrogen phosphate
alpha zirconnium hydrogen phosphate Zirconium phosphate has good chemistry, mechanical strength and thermal stability, good ion exchange properties, and can provide a large surface ar...