Mast Pak

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Mast Pak

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MAST PAK SURGICAL CORPPORATION was first established as Manufacturer of Surgical, Dental,Beauty,Hallow Ware,Veteinary & Titanium Instruments in 1976 to develop what quickly became Pakistan fast-growing Die Making & Maker of instruments industries. Today, with advancement in corporate Medical Instruments (Laryngoscopes, Otoscope & Diagnostic Instruments).

Among these changes, MAST PAK SURGICAL CORPPORATION continues to make QUALITY the number one priority and provide high-quality service through our contact center solutions. we are actively developing new facets of our business..

We are actively developing new facets of our business. MAST PAK SURGICAL CORPPORATION is a combination of the words Solution & Contact. MAST PAK SURGICAL CORPPORATION provides Good Quality for Customer in world.


Electrosurgical Forceps
Electrosurgical Forceps Bipolar, Angled Curved,Available in many different sizes.Unique quality products.For more details contact us at: Tel: