Sichuan Yigao Petroleum Equipment Co. , Ltd.

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Sichuan Yigao Petroleum Equipment Co. , Ltd.

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Sichuan Yigao Petroleum Equipment Co. , Ltd. is a production-oriented private enterprises. The company is located in Group 2, Tuanjie, Xiaohan town, Guanghan, Deyang, Sichuan province. Technology-oriented companies, focusing on solving the drilling and mining industry-related accessories design, manufacturing, service problems. According to the drilling site can customize a variety of special equipment, tools and other accessories, but also according to API standards, as well as national standards, the Ministry of Petroleum Standard production processing standard equipment parts. The company constantly innovates, has many utility model patents. The company focuses on quality and strictly controls the chemical element of materials, NDT and heat treatment processes, and operates strictly in accordance with the quality management system. The products with high quality and low price are widely praised by the old customers. The company relies on advanced machining equipment and inspection equipment, in strict accordance with the national standards, API standard production of various types of downhole tools, wellhead equipment, drilling and production equipment, surface processes, as well as oil and gas special high-pressure valves and other tens of thousands of varieties, products are widely used in oil, natural gas, chemical, electric power, urban water supply, heating and other industries.


High pressure wellhead desander
High pressure wellhead desander 油井产砂是造成地表集输管网磨损和原油处理设备工况不稳定的主要因素之一。对油田的正常生产具有不可估量的负面影响。油田高效旋风分离器是一种利用离心力场分离不同密度混合物,加速固体颗粒在流体中的沉降,加强分离过程的高效分离设备。具有安装简单、维修方便、占地面积小、生产能力大、分离效率高等优点。.使用...