Anyang Hongshun Industrial Co., Ltd.

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Anyang Hongshun Industrial Co., Ltd.

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Anyang Hongshun Industrial Co., Ltd. is located in Anyang City, Henan Province, focusing on the metallurgical industry for more than twenty years. Main products: all kinds of silicon products, including ferro silicon,ferro silicon magnesium nodulator, silicon barium inoculant, silicon calcium, silicon metal, ferrochrome,ferro manganese, silicon manganese, manganese metal, high carbon silicon, silicon carbide, silicon carbon alloy, silicon ball, and all kinds of cored wire.


Silicon metal
Silicon metal Silicon metal (Si Metal), also known ascrystalline silicon or industrial silicon, is mainly used as an additive for non-ferrous alloys. Silicon met...
Ferro manganese
Ferro manganese As a professional ferro manganese supplier, we can suppy 65 high carbon ferro manganese, 75 medium carbon ferro manganese, 80 low carbon ferro mang...
Ferro Silicon
Ferro Silicon Ferrosilicon (FeSi) or ferro silicon is a ferro alloy composed of iron and silicon. Ferrosilicon is a ferro silicon alloy made from coke, steel scr...