Kitairu LTD

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Kitairu LTD

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Key Specifications/Special Features
Key Specifications/Special Features
Key Specifications/Special Features
Key Specifications/Special Features
Color TV Indoor Antenna with Noise Figure: > = 3dB
Color TV Indoor Antenna with Noise Figure: > = 3dB
Color TV Indoor Antenna with 75-Ohm Output Impedance
Color TV Indoor Antenna with 75-Ohm Output Impedance
Color TV Indoor Antenna with 100dB Maximum Output and 75-Ohm Impedance
Color TV Indoor Antenna with 100dB Maximum Output and 75-Ohm Impedance
Bed clothes
Bed clothes
Charger Ni-MH 1.2 V 2000 mAH High Capacity/Rechargeable/Long Life Suitable for: #5 AA
Bed clothes
Bed clothes
Charger Ni-MH 1.2 V 1600 mAH High Capacity/Rechargeable/Long Life Suitable for: #5 AA
Charger Li-ion 7.4 V 1200 mAH For PANASONIC Camcorder/Camera
Charger Li-ion 7.4 V 1300 mAH For CANON Camcorder/Camera
Bed clothes
Bed clothes
Bed clothes
Bed clothes
Bed clothes
Bed clothes
Bed clothes
Bed clothes
Bed clothes
Bed clothes
Bed clothes
Bed clothes
Bed clothes
Bed clothes
Bed clothes
Bed clothes
Bed clothes
Bed clothes
Bed clothes
Bed clothes
Bed clothes
Bed clothes
Bed clothes
Bed clothes
Bed clothes
Bed clothes
Bed clothes
Bed clothes
Bed clothes
Bed clothes