ouluoba saniteray ware

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ouluoba saniteray ware

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shower room,bathtub,siple shower room Oraba bath set mill in PingHu is a moderm enterprise,produce many kinds of exclusive shower bath room,computer controlled steam room,message bath and bath cabinet series of products.    With effectve administration and powerful strength,the company shows the pressminent European style,from material income,inspection to product technology ,computer digit-controlled design and anti-aging ALT experiment of no-fault qulity administration.    The company pushes strategic sale and service association actively throughtout thr country ,and exert the "advanced service ,synchronic service,life service "this system of rising property values good service after sales with sale and service in synchronism,by sublime technique and powerful strength,the preeminence of customer reality demand and potential demand ,provide first - rate bath product and satisfied service to the customer.     Honest,credit,innovation,particularity are the goals which Oraba's pursuit,provide the finest production to the customer,this is the imperatives of Oraba.


shower cabinet, bathtub
shower cabinet, bathtub size:150*150*2150/cm Ventilation Fan;Luxurious fixes shower;hot and cold water faucet;switch;sharp massage ,foot massage;Hi-fi system;handle shower...
shower room
shower room