shandong kingdragon group co., ltd

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shandong kingdragon group co., ltd

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Dear friends, Have a nice day! This is Angus from KDHOSE! Our company specializes in manufacturing and exporting of hydraulic hoses for ten years Hydraulic hoses, the main points as follows: (OEM / KDHOSE) SAE 100 R1AT/DIN EN 853 1SN SAE 100 R2AT/DIN EN 853 2SN EN856 4SH / EN856 4SP SAE 100 R3/R6 SAE 100 R5 SAE 100 R12 SAE 100 R13 SAE 100 R14 SAE 100R16/R17 For more information visit our website:


hydraulic hose
hydraulic hose SAE 100 R1AT/DIN EN 853 1SN SAE 100 R2AT/DIN EN 853 2SN EN856 4SH / EN856 4SP SAE 100 R3/R6 SAE 100 R5 SAE 100 R12 SAE 100 R13 SAE 100 R14 ...
rubber hose
rubber hose flex AT kdhoose -com Angus