
wifi jammer CPJ3060

Do you know the wifi jammer?Now WIFI are widely used for working place,public place,home and ect,wifi is new technology for us to connect the wireless networks with the development,the wifi need password protected,but some wifi is opend in some place,some of people don’t connect the public wifi,we don’t realize that the information for cell will be stealed,others use the wifi wireless signal invade our mobile signals,how to protect us in a safey situations?It’s risk for us to connect the wifi signals,how to protect ourself in pubilc?
The stationary 8 bands WIFI Jammer Model CPJ3060 series designed to block all wireless Device in worldwide including all types GSM,CDMA,3G,UMTS,4Glte, cellular s ,Wi-Fi/Bluetooth, 4GWimax networks ,Lojack/gps Tracking system,. Working range Up to 50meters .its also can using on vehicles support by vehicle power plugs. Built-in Best cooling system by high-speed fans, can work continuously 24X7hours. Ideal for a meeting room, restaurant, class room, or the place that you want to block mobile communications. Solid quality, reliable and simple to use.

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