
Cuff Lens/poker analyzer/poker cheat/contact lens/infrared lens/poker scanner/marked cards

(1)It was put inside of coat sleeve and perfect.Before the lens was separated from cuff, it is hard for player to fix on coat. Now we solved the problem,put the lens inside of cuff. Other people can not find by their eyes, it looks like normal cuff.(2)New switchWhen the player press the button inside of cuff lens by their hand's weight,the cuff lens will open(see below picture).If the player doesn't press the lens, the cuff will performance like normal and can not seen by other players.d second handmakeMSN/Email: Mobile: краплеными картами | покер анализатор Китай | покер-сканер | чит-карты | контактные линзы | невидимыми чернилами | заметный карты игральные карты Китай | покер чит | Техасский Холдем обмануть | Омаха чит | Техасский Холдем покер анализатор Китай | Омаха покер анализатор Китае carte segnate | poker analizzatore di china | scanner poker | carte di trucco | lenti a contatto | inchiostro invisibile | carte segnate carte da gioco china | poker trucco | Texas Hold em imbrogliare | omaha imbroglio | texas hold em poker analizzatore di china | omaha poker analizzatore di china cartas marcadas | poker china analizador | escáner poker | tarjetas tramposo | lentes de contacto | tinta invisible | cartas marcadas jugando a las cartas china | poker cheat | Texas Hold em enga?ar | omaha trucos | texas hold em poker analizador china | omaha poker analizador china ?ánh d?u th? | xi phan tích Trung Qu?c | xi máy quét | th? cheat | kính áp tròng | m?c v? hình | th? ?ánh d?u th? ch?i Trung Qu?c | xi cheat | texas gi? em ?n gian | omaha cheat | texas gi? em Poker phan tích Trung Qu?c | Omaha Poker phan tích Trung Qu?c kartu ditandai | poker analisa cina | scanner poker | kartu curang | lensa kontak | invisible ink | kartu ditandai bermain kartu cina | poker curang | texas hold em menipu | omaha curang | texas hold em poker analisa cina | omaha poker analisa cina notatis cards | bacillo ferreo immisso analyzer Sinis | bacillo ferreo immisso scanner | cards circumuentor | contactus lentium | invisibilis atramentum | notatis cards ludens cards Sinis | bacillo ferreo immisso circumuentor | Texas tenere em decipiat | omaha circumuentor | Texas tenere em bacillo ferreo immisso analyzer Sinis | omaha bacillo ferreo immisso analyzer Sinis мечаным? картам? | покер анал?затар К?тай | покер-сканер | чит-карты | кантактныя л?нзы | нябачным? чарн?лам? | прыкметны карты ?гральныя карты К?тай | покер чит | Тэхаск? Холден падмануць | Амаха чит | Тэхаск? Холден покер анал?затар К?тай | Амаха покер анал?затар К?та?

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