
ultrasonic heat meter with no reflection plate


  1. Squareholestraightthroughbasemeter---noblockage,lowpressureloss.
  2. Usingthepipewallreflection---stablesignal,lowfailures.
  3. Extendedtransducer---highintensitystableultrasonicsignal.
  4. Lowinitialflow,minimumflow0.009m³/h---accuratemeasurement
  5. Highintelligencedualchipcircuitboard---lowpowerconsumption,largecapacity.
  6. Dualpowersupply---longbatterylifemorethan6years.
  7. Basemeterandtransduceradoptanti-scalingspecialprocessing
  8. PairedplatinumresistancetemperaturesensorPT1000.

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