Vegetarian Capsules(packing and shipment)
1.Storage:Finishedemptyvegetariancapsulesarestoredindryandcoolplaces,avoidbeingexposedtosunlight,hightemperatureandhumidity.Thestorehouseareequipedwithcentralair-conditioningsystemtoprovideproperstoragetemperarure.Goodventilationsystemisdesignedtodeliverfresh,filteredair,thusreduinghumiditylevelsandpreventmouldproblems.2.PackingandShipment:Tokeepawayfromhumidity,sunlight,emptyvegetariancapsulesarefirstlypackedinPEbag,thensealedinaluminium-foilbag,finallyputintocorrugatedcartonlinedwithfoamboardonall6innersidesasrolesofshock-proofandheat-proof. |
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