In the field of biological sample storage and cryogenic transportation, KGSQ liquid nitrogen tanks become your indispensable partner with their excellent performance and safety. Our transportable liquid nitrogen tanks are well-designed and contain multiple support structures to ensure long-term cryogenic storage and safe transportation of frozen semen, cells and plasma.
Directly put into use:
After strict vacuum test to ensure the vacuum and sealing of the tank.
The interior is clean and hygienic, having been “cleaned” with liquid nitrogen before leaving the factory.
Neck plugs and locking lids remain sealed during transportation to prevent contamination.
Peace of mind:
No additional cleaning is required upon receipt and the unit is ready for use.
If cleaning is required, it is recommended to use 30-40℃ warm water to rinse, dry and ready to use.
quality assurance:
TIANCHI factory direct supply, provide convenient after-sales service guarantee.
KGSQ liquid nitrogen tank has CE certificate, which meets international safety standards.
Contact us now to choose a reliable, safe and efficient cryogenic transportation and storage solution for your scientific research medical and sperm freezing work.KGSQ liquid nitrogen tank, hand in hand with you to create a new chapter of scientific research.
Choose KGSQ, choose professionalism and innovation, together open a new era of cryogenic storage.
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