

In the fields of biological sample storage, medical cold chain transportation, and laboratory research, the normal operation of liquid nitrogen tanks is crucial for the cryogenic storage of biological samples such as cells, embryos, and frozen sperm. However, there are many inconveniences in traditional liquid nitrogen monitoring methods, such as complex monitoring equipment and untimely alarms. Now, with the intelligent liquid nitrogen alarm, these problems will be solved.
TC50-PT Intelligent Liquid Level Monitor-The Perfect Combination of Cloud Monitoring and Flexible Early Warning
Product Features:
High-precision sensor: The high-precision sensor probe imported from Switzerland is used to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the measurement.
Cloud monitoring platform: Data is actively reported to the cloud monitoring platform without the need for additional monitoring hosts or collectors, simplifying the monitoring process.
Flexible early warning system: Set parameters such as upper and lower limits of temperature. When the ambient temperature exceeds the preset range, the power is too low, the external power supply is disconnected, or the device is offline, the alarm is triggered immediately.
Multi-channel alarm notification: Supports multiple alarm notification methods such as SMS, , and calls to ensure that users can receive alarm information in a timely manner.
LCD large screen display: Provides clear and easy-to-read data display to enhance user experience.
Ultra-long battery life: Using large-capacity 18650 batteries, ultra-low power consumption design, a single battery can last for four months (reporting interval 10 minutes).
Offline recording function: Even when the network is disconnected, it can monitor and record data normally. Once connected to the network, the data will be automatically reported to the cloud platform.
Application scenario:
TC50-PT intelligent liquid level monitor is widely used in liquid nitrogen cryogenic storage equipment, drug refrigeration, cold chain transportation, laboratory research and other fields. It is an intelligent monitoring solution dedicated to liquid nitrogen tanks.
Why choose TC50-PT?
Provide a more efficient and intelligent way to monitor liquid nitrogen tanks.
Remote monitoring is achieved through the cloud platform, making data management more convenient.
The flexible early warning system can respond to various abnormal situations in time to ensure the safety of liquid nitrogen tanks.
Ultra-long battery life and offline recording function ensure the continuity and reliability of monitoring.
Choose TC50-PT intelligent liquid level monitor to provide all-weather intelligent protection for your liquid nitrogen tank. Take action now, let safety and intelligence go hand in hand, and add a guarantee to your business.
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