bulk Prickly Pear Seed Oil wholesale
Bulk prickly pear seed oil This is a natural oil extracted from seeds of fruit Opuntia ficus indica cactus. This cactus grows up to 2 meters high and needs little water. They thrive in the hot and dry regions - such as Morocco. They produce beautiful bright yellow and pinkish flower during the spring, then fruit in late summer. Cactus seed oil is rich in fatty oil suitable for most skin types, including sensitive skin. It is perfect for deep hydration, including face and hair protection in any environment. The fruits and stems are especially relevant in many cultures as a nutritious treat.
This oil is a member of cactus seed and has some well-known names, such as Indian figs, Opuntia, prickly cactus seed oil, etc. Most noteworthy, it has grown in popularity with Argan oil. It's one of the most expensive, dearest, oil in the beauty industry. The oil is extracted from the fruit’s seed, thus, its high priced. Most of all, the plant survives and thrives in drought and harsh conditions, as a result, can protect and maintain moisture in the skin.
• Prickly Pear Seed Oil is an excellent source of antioxidants and its also stable. The oil has an amazing high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids containing Linoleic acids.
• The oil is also light, versatile and easily absorbed into the body. It contains tocopherols which make it a powerful antioxidant.
• It also Improves skin elasticity and useful supplement to an anti-aging formulation.
• Prickly Seed Oil is an effective moisturizer and leaves the skin soft and silky.
• It can also-also be used to hydrate dry and damaged hair.
• It Restores makes our nails and cuticles look healthy.
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