




上海景翔重工机器有限公司是一家以科技领先、追求卓越、专业从事重型矿山破碎及筛分成套机械和工业磨粉机械设计—研发—生产—销售—售后服务一体的现代化高新技术企业。公司坐落于(中国)上海市浦东新区川沙经济园。 景翔重机拥有专业实战经验丰富的研发队伍,精良的加工设备,熟练的操作人员制造出高效节能环保工业磨粉设备和破碎筛分成套设备系列近20个品种。广泛应用与国内外冶金、化工、建材、煤炭、陶瓷、公路、铁路、隧道桥梁、机场建设、水电工程、耐火材料等行业。秉承全面的科学管理体系和过硬的产品质量,景翔重机迅速成长为中国粉体设备及破碎设备重要的生产和出口加工基地。 公司生产的设备不仅遍及全国二十六个省、市、自治区,还大量出口到越南、俄罗斯、吉尔吉斯斯坦、孟加拉、哈撒克斯坦、东南亚、非洲、北美洲等多个国家。公司服务的项目有首都国际机场、沪宁高速、沈山高速、成雅高速、黄黄高速、京珠高速、包东高速、徐连高速、赣粤高速、杭金衢高速、合徐高速等高等级公路提供了优质的碎石筛分成套设备,得到了市场的认可和客户信赖。


Shanghai Jing Xiang Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. is a modern new-and high-tech enterprise, which is a technology leader in the pursuit of excellence, specialized in design –research and development – pro
Shanghai Jing Xiang Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. is a modern new-and high-tech enterprise, which is a technology leader in the pursuit of excellence, specialized in design –research and development – pro
Shanghai Jing Xiang Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. is a modern new-and high-tech enterprise, which is a technology leader in the pursuit of excellence, specialized in design –research and development – pro
Shanghai Jing Xiang Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. is a modern new-and high-tech enterprise, which is a technology leader in the pursuit of excellence, specialized in design –research and development – pro
Shanghai Jing Xiang Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. is a modern new-and high-tech enterprise, which is a technology leader in the pursuit of excellence, specialized in design –research and development – pro
Shanghai Jing Xiang Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. is a modern new-and high-tech enterprise, which is a technology leader in the pursuit of excellence, specialized in design –research and development – pro
Shanghai Jing Xiang Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. is a modern new-and high-tech enterprise, which is a technology leader in the pursuit of excellence, specialized in design –research and development – pro
Shanghai Jing Xiang Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. is a modern new-and high-tech enterprise, which is a technology leader in the pursuit of excellence, specialized in design –research and development – pro
Shanghai Jing Xiang Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. is a modern new-and high-tech enterprise, which is a technology leader in the pursuit of excellence, specialized in design –research and development – pro
Shanghai Jing Xiang Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. is a modern new-and high-tech enterprise, which is a technology leader in the pursuit of excellence, specialized in design –research and development – pro