




台州市黄岩华塑汽车饰件模具有限公司是全国模具行业的新兴企业,主要从事汽车仪表板、保险杠、门板、汽车散热风扇等汽车、摩托车配件、家用电器配件及各种家庭用品、军品包装箱等注塑模具以及大中型吹塑模具的制作。公司为一汽、哈飞、台湾东阳、北京福田、通用、奇瑞等知名企业配套。模具产品远销英国、美国、韩国、意大利、俄罗斯、西班牙、荷兰、叙利亚、黎巴嫩、中东、泰国、南美洲等国家和地区。 我公司本着“精益求精,以诚为本”创造自己的模具品牌——华塑!引进国内外先进水平的生产设备,成为立足国内,走向世界的模具制造专业公司,拥有国际先进数控加工中心四台、数控线切割四台、数控电脉冲三台、数控铣床、钻床等精密加工设备,拥有CAD/CAM工作站七台。先进的设备和丰富的模具制作经验,使本公司具有开发和制造大型复杂精密模具的能力,特别是在制作汽车保险杠等内、外饰件模具上更有独特经验。我公司向客户承诺:模具寿命长,价格合理,制作周期短,交货及时,售后服务周到。 “给我一个机会,还您一个满意”是我们一贯的追求,志高远行天下!让我们相约华塑,共同发展,共创辉煌!


Automotive bumper mould-1
Automotive bumper mould-1 Automotive grille mould details: 1-Name: Automotive grille mould 2-Core steel: P20, according to customers' requirement 3-Cavity steel: P20, acc...
Automotive grille mould-1
Automotive grille mould-1 Automotive grille mould details: 1-Name: Automotive grille mould 2-Core steel: P20, according to customers' requirement 3-Cavity steel: P20, accord...
A Automotive lamp mould details: 1-Name: Automotive lamp mould 2-Core steel: 713#, according to customers' requirement 3-Cavity steel: 713#, accordin...
Automotive bumper mould-2
Automotive bumper mould-2 Automotive bumper mould details: 1-Name: Automotive bumper mould 2-Core steel: P20, according to customers’ requirement 3-Cavity steel: P20, acc...
Automotive grille mould
Automotive grille mould Automotive grille mould details: 1-Name: Automotive grille mould 2-Core steel: P20, according to customers’ requirement 3-Cavity steel: P20, acc...
Aut 1-Automotive door panel mould details: 2-Name: Automotive door panel mould 3-Core steel: P20, according to customers’ requirement 4-Cavity steel...
Automotive grille mould-3
Automotive grille mould-3 Automotive grille mould details: 1-Name: Automotive grille mould 2-Core steel: P20, according to customers' requirement 3-Cavity steel: P20, accord...
Automotive lamp mould-2
Automotive lamp mould-2 Automotive lamp mould details: 1-Name: Automotive lamp mould 2-Core steel: 713#, according to customers' requirement 3-Cavity steel: 713#, accordin...
Plastic basket mould-1
Plastic basket mould-1 Plastic basket mould details: 1-Name: Plastic basket mould 2-Core steel: P20, according to customers' requirement 3-Cavity steel: P20, according to...
Automotive grille mould-4
Automotive grille mould-4 Automotive grille mould details: 1-Name: Automotive grille mould 2-Core steel: P20, according to customers' requirement 3-Cavity steel: P20, accord...
Automotive lamp mould-3
Automotive lamp mould-3 Automotive lamp mould details: 1-Name: Automotive lamp mould 2-Core steel: 713#, according to customers' requirement 3-Cavity steel: 713#, accordin...
Plastic basket mould-2
Plastic basket mould-2 Plastic basket mould details: 1-Name: Plastic basket mould 2-Core steel: P20, according to customers' requirement 3-Cavity steel: P20, according to...
Automotive bumper mould-3
Automotive bumper mould-3 Automotive bumper mould details: 1-Name: Automotive bumper mould 2-Core steel: P20, according to customers' requirement 3-Cavity steel: P20, accord...
A Automotive grille mould details: 1-Name: Automotive grille mould 2-Core steel: P20, according to customers' requirement 3-Cavity steel: P20, accord...
Plastic crate mould-1
Plastic crate mould-1 Plastic crate mould details: 1-Name: Plastic crate mould 2-Core steel: P20, according to customers' requirement 3-Cavity steel: P20, according to c...
Automotive bumper mould-4
Automotive bumper mould-4 Automotive bumper mould details: 1-Name: Automotive bumper mould 2-Core steel: P20, according to customers' requirement 3-Cavity steel: P20, accord...
Automotive door panel mould-3
Automotive door panel mould-3 Automotive door panel mould details: 1-Name: Automotive door panel mould 2-Core steel: P20, according to customers' requirement 3-Cavity steel: P20...
Plastic chair mould-1
Plastic chair mould-1 Plastic chair mould details: 1-Name: Plastic chair mould 2-Core steel: P20, according to customers' requirement 3-Cavity steel: P20, according to c...
Automotive bumper mould-5
Automotive bumper mould-5 Automotive bumper mould details: 1-Name: Automotive bumper mould 2-Core steel: P20, according to customers' requirement 3-Cavity steel: P20, accord...
Automotive lamp mould-4
Automotive lamp mould-4 Automotive lamp mould details: 1-Name: Automotive lamp mould 2-Core steel: 713#, according to customers' requirement 3-Cavity steel: 713#, accordin...
Plastic baby carriage mould
Plastic baby carriage mould Plastic baby carriage mould details: 1-Name: Plastic baby carriage mould 2-Core steel: P20, according to customers' requirement 3-Cavity steel: P20...
Automotive bumper mould-6
Automotive bumper mould-6 Automotive bumper mould details: 1-Name: Automotive bumper mould 2-Core steel: P20, according to customers’ requirement 3-Cavity steel: P20, accord...
Plastic chair mould-1
Plastic chair mould-1 Plastic chair mould details: 1-Name: Plastic chair mould 2-Core steel: P20, according to customers’ requirement 3-Cavity steel: P20, according to c...
Plastic crate mould-2
Plastic crate mould-2 Plastic crate mould details: 1-Name: Plastic crate mould 2-Core steel: P20, according to customers’ requirement 3-Cavity steel: P20, according to c...