



上海绚睿数码科技有限公司是一家专业从事数码喷绘机、写真机、UV平板机,3D UV机的研发、生产、销售为一体的综合型企业。 拥有独立自主的知识产权、众多从事研发多年的优秀工程师,亦拥有设备完善的现代厂房,以及先进的生产设备和成熟的制作工艺。为炫美的产品达到与时俱进提供了坚实的基础。

同时我们提供优质的外贸服务,能够为广大的国外客户进行国内采购以及相关产品的检验.此外,我司还提供配件,墨水,耗材, 并使用完善的物流管理,直接送货上门,让客户真正地放心,安心。



ink-jet printers, ECO-solvent printers, UV flat printers and 3D UV printers
ink-jet printers, ECO-solvent printers, UV flat printers and 3D UV printers During the inception of the company, we insist on dedicating to the scientific and effective management, updating production as our foothold. Our p...
ink-jet printers, ECO-solvent printers, UV flat printers and 3D UV printers
ink-jet printers, ECO-solvent printers, UV flat printers and 3D UV printers During the inception of the company, we insist on dedicating to the scientific and effective management, updating production as our foothold. Our p...
ink-jet printers, ECO-solvent printers, UV flat printers and 3D UV printers
ink-jet printers, ECO-solvent printers, UV flat printers and 3D UV printers During the inception of the company, we insist on dedicating to the scientific and effective management, updating production as our foothold. Our p...
ink-jet printers, ECO-solvent printers, UV flat printers and 3D UV printers
ink-jet printers, ECO-solvent printers, UV flat printers and 3D UV printers During the inception of the company, we insist on dedicating to the scientific and effective management, updating production as our foothold. Our p...