



LOPO国际有限公司是一个主要的建筑材料制造商和中国领先的粘土瓦机。我们是3个工厂在我们的家乡福建省,这是LOPO粘土瓦, LOPO秦始皇面板,乐业人造文化石家族拥有的公司。我们拥有世界一流的生产线和设备,从德国和意大利进口,由我们自己的本地化,这些都是具有年生产4500000平方米粘土瓦雄厚的生产实力, 600000平方米文化石和9000000平方米红陶产品。能源消耗的各项指标已达到国内领先水平。
我们的产品已在国内深受广大客户。我们已经建立了地注意到房地产公司在中国,如万科, Crland ,万通,招商地产公司等。根据我们的专门服务,优质的产品和有竞争力的价格战略合作伙伴关系,我们也得到了来自日本分销商的批准,韩国,台湾,香港,马来西亚,美国,加拿大和欧洲。
在2010上海世博会,我们的粘土墙砖已经在德国的“汉堡之家”应用为主题, “城市可持续发展与生态,气候友好型建设”的一部分。


Terracotta Tile FH3018230
Terracotta Tile FH3018230 LOPO terracotta façade panel with sanding finish makes the texture of building more sophisticated. In order to present a “natural ston...
Terracotta rainscreen FX301825
Terracotta rainscreen FX301825 LOPO Terracotta Panel with linear surface is representing a simple and elegant visual effect for wall cladding, which is quite suitable for public ...
Terracotta rainscreen
Terracotta rainscreen LOPO Terracotta Façade Panel with flat surface is the most classic panel product of LOPO China. The texture of this series is fine and smoot...
Terracotta Panel
Terracotta Panel LOPOTerracotta Facade Panelwith grooved surface delivers a keen sense of the time and high artistic quality of the architecture. The groove make th...
Terracotta Panel
Terracotta Panel LOPOTerracotta Facade Panelwith grooved surface delivers a keen sense of the time and high artistic quality of the architecture. The groove make th...
 Terracotta rainscreen
Terracotta rainscreen LOPO Terracotta Panel with linear surface is representing a simple and elegant visual effect for wall cladding, which is quite suitable for public ...
 Terracotta rainscreen
Terracotta rainscreen LOPO Terracotta Panel with linear surface is representing a simple and elegant visual effect for wall cladding, which is quite suitable for public ...
Terracotta Tile
Terracotta Tile LOPO terracotta façade panel with sanding finish makes the texture of building more sophisticated. In order to present a “natural ston...
 Terracotta rainscreen
Terracotta rainscreen LOPO Terracotta Façade Panel with flat surface is the most classic panel product of LOPO China. The texture of this series is fine and smoot...
 Terracotta rainscreen
Terracotta rainscreen LOPO Terracotta Panel with linear surface is representing a simple and elegant visual effect for wall cladding, which is quite suitable for public ...
Terracotta Panel
Terracotta Panel LOPO Facade panels with glazed surface is of a glossy and bright texture representing a morden and lively visual effects. Different colors matched ...
Terracotta rainscreen
Terracotta rainscreen LOPO Terracotta Panel with linear surface is representing a simple and elegant visual effect for wall cladding, which is quite suitable for public ...
Terracotta rainscreen
Terracotta rainscreen LOPO Terracotta Façade Panel with flat surface is the most classic panel product of LOPO China. The texture of this series is fine and smoot...
Terracotta Tile
Terracotta Tile LOPO terracotta solid tile is the panel without hollow chambers which is designed to be glued on the wall. This series is normally thinner than ter...
Terracotta rainscreen
Terracotta rainscreen LOPO Terracotta Panel with linear surface is representing a simple and elegant visual effect for wall cladding, which is quite suitable for public ...
 Terracotta Tile
Terracotta Tile LOPO terracotta façade panel with sanding finish makes the texture of building more sophisticated. In order to present a “natural ston...
Terracotta Panel
Terracotta Panel LOPO Terracotta Facade Panel with grooved surface delivers a keen sense of the time and high artistic quality of the architecture. The groove make ...
Terracotta Tile
Terracotta Tile LOPO terracotta solid tile is the panel without hollow chambers which is designed to be glued on the wall. This series is normally thinner than ter...
 Terracotta Panel
Terracotta Panel LOPO Terracotta Facade Panel with grooved surface delivers a keen sense of the time and high artistic quality of the architecture. The groove make ...
Terracotta Panel
Terracotta Panel LOPOTerracotta Facade Panelwithgrooved surfacedelivers a keen sense of the time and high artistic quality of the architecture. The groove make the ...
Terracotta baguette
Terracotta baguette LOPO terracotta louver/baguette has wide range of pipe forms with square, oblong, triangle circular cross-sections. This series product is of grea...
Terracotta rainscreen
Terracotta rainscreen 乐普艺术陶瓷有限公司,位于福建省南安市官桥镇塘上工业园。公司占地350多亩,总投资1.2亿元,现拥有三条国内最先进的劈开砖生产线和国际先进水平的全自动温控隧道窑,年产劈开砖450万平方米,是全国最大的集研发、生产、营销一体化的陶土劈开砖专业性生产企业,并已成为国内最具竞争力的粘土质劈开砖生产经...
Terracotta rainscreen
Terracotta rainscreen 乐普艺术陶瓷有限公司,位于福建省南安市官桥镇塘上工业园。公司占地350多亩,总投资1.2亿元,现拥有三条国内最先进的劈开砖生产线和国际先进水平的全自动温控隧道窑,年产劈开砖450万平方米,是全国最大的集研发、生产、营销一体化的陶土劈开砖专业性生产企业,并已成为国内最具竞争力的粘土质劈开砖生产经...
Terracotta louver
Terracotta louver Leye生态艺术石,是集中日技术合作、研究开发、设计为一体的专业性制造生态艺术石的装饰材料企业。公司的艺术师们从自然界吸取灵感,精选天然石为母体,采用优质天然材料,研发出风格各异,轻质环保的Leye生态艺术石。 产品优雅、自然返璞归真、具有良好的保温、隔音性能,产品独特韵味满足了日益提高...
Terracotta Panel
Terracotta Panel LOPO Facade panels withglazed surfaceis of a glossy and bright texture representing a modern and lively visual effects. Different colors matched to...
Terracotta Panel
Terracotta Panel LOPO Facade panels withglazed surfaceis of a glossy and bright texture representing a modern and lively visual effects. Different colors matched to...