MetaLaser INC.


MetaLaser INC.



MetaLaser is a manufacturer and supplier of Single Crystal Materials and optical components used in lasers,Website:, imaging and other optical areas. Meta Photonics is one of the high tech company of Nanjing Institute of Advance Laser Technology(NIALT), which is the only one industrialization base of Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics (SIOM), Chinese Academy of Sciences.


Cr YAG Q Switch Crystals
Cr YAG Q Switch Crystals Cr:YAGpassive Q switch crystalsCr:YAG (Chromium doped Ytterium Aluminum Garnet,Website:, Cr:Y3Al5O12) crystal is an ideal material for passive Q-sw...
Yb CaF2 Laser Crystals
Yb CaF2 Laser Crystals YbCaF2laser crystals Yb:CaF2is a good materials for use indiode-pumped femtosecond (fs) lasers and amplifiers.Features: • Low quantum defect