




立华集团隶属于于宝利华(香港)投资控股全资公司,立华集团成立于1996年,其子公司分布于:江苏昆山、重庆、广东东莞、台湾台北、美国硅谷。 立华彩印(昆山)有限公司地处于昆山市巴城镇迎宾西路1777号,毗邻阳澄湖,风景秀丽,阳澄湖大闸蟹世界闻名。立华集团主要以精装盒、彩盒、说明书、吊牌、不干胶、铭板的业务为主,立华现有正式员工1200余人,目前年销售收入5亿人民币。 长久以来,立华一直以"持续改善、即时提供给客户可靠、可信赖的高质量印刷产品"为目标。高品质的原材料,日本、德国、台湾等进口的印刷及相关设备,严密 的品质管控程序、训练有素的员工队伍,贯穿印前、印刷、印后的管理系统是我们产品交期与品质的保障。在印刷产业蓬勃发展之时,立华愿伴随昆山印刷行业逐步 完善并陆续扩大生产范围与各新老客户一道携手并进。本着创新、科技、环保的经营理念,善尽社会一份子的责任与大家共同发展


Attractive Food Packaging Box
Attractive Food Packaging Box Introduction: Custom food package, with the shiny and colorful outlook, easy to carry, make this kind of package attractive, not to mention the ins...
Cell Phone Packaging Box
Cell Phone Packaging Box There are a variety of cell brands on the market, and each brand packaging has its own characteristics. But the same is, these boxes generally hav...
Coffee Packaging Box
Coffee Packaging Box With the improvement of living standards, coffee is one of the most common drinks in our life. Many young people are willing to drink one or more c...
Cosmetic Packaging Boxes
Cosmetic Packaging Boxes How important is a beautifulcosmetic box: Packaging is used for almost everything in our daily life. Cosmetic box refers to the outer packaging of ...
Cosmetics Molded Pulp Trays
Cosmetics Molded Pulp Trays As china professional paper packaging company,we can design and manufacture bamboo and bagasse molded paper pulp packagingproducts suitable for ind...