Shandong Colors New Material Technology Co.,Ltd.


Shandong Colors New Material Technology Co.,Ltd.



Shandong Colors New Material Technology Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in the production and processing of galvanized sheet and color steel plate.


彩钢板 彩色钢板的基材是冷轧基材,热浸镀锌基材和电镀锌基材。 涂料类型可分为聚酯,硅改性聚酯,聚偏二氟乙烯和增塑溶胶。 彩色钢板的表面状态可分为涂层板,压纹板和印刷板。 彩色钢板广泛用于建筑设备和运输行业。 对于建筑行业,它们主要用于钢结构工厂,机场,仓库和制冷行业。 商业建筑等的屋顶和门以及民用建筑...
波纹金属屋面板 由于金属波纹板的材料是彩色钢板,因此既是保持结构又是承重结构。 它比仅用于信封结构的彩钢板要承受更大的负载,因此可以确定彩钢板的使用寿命。 这种结构的使用寿命。 屋顶板与金属屋顶板通过相互接合一体形成,整个屋顶没有孔,但根板通过根部的自攻螺钉和屋顶的根部与埋入件相连。 结构是最恶劣的环境。 因...
color coated galvanized steel coil
color coated galvanized steel coil The color coated galvanized steel coil, which is a color coated steel coil, is a galvanized coil product. The color of the galvanized steel coil is...
corrugated metal roofing sheets
corrugated metal roofing sheets Since the material of corrugated metal roof panels is a color steel plate, it is both a retaining structure and a load-bearing structure. It is mor...