石墨电极 | 方大集团是全球领先的石墨电极生产集团,公司的产品目前主要有四大系列:一是冶炼用的各种规格普通功率、高功率、准超高功率、超高功率石墨电极和抗氧化浸渍石墨电极;二是具有优良的耐化学腐蚀性和优异的抗氧化性能及高温稳定性的新型炭材料中粗石墨;三是各种规格的各向同性高密、高强、高纯石墨;四是石墨化工设备... | |
石墨电极 | 方大炭素集团是全球领先的石墨电极生产厂家,公司的产品目前主要有四大系列:一是冶炼用的各种规格普通功率、高功率、准超高功率、超高功率石墨电极和抗氧化浸渍石墨电极;二是具有优良的耐化学腐蚀性和优异的抗氧化性能及高温稳定性的新型炭材料中粗石墨;三是各种规格的各向同性高密、高强、高纯石墨;四是石墨化工... | |
煤系针状焦 | 方大喜科墨针状焦科技有限公司原股东为世界500强日本新日铁, 2017年4月为方大集团所收购。公司主要从事煤系针状焦、煤焦沥青、炭黑油等化工产品的研发和生产。针状焦是制造大规格(超)高功率石墨电极必需的主要原材料。公司拥有国际先进的煤系针状焦生产技术,公司年产针状焦为6万吨。 | |
石墨电极圆锥形接头 | 石墨电极圆锥形接头 Product Detail: Indices Of physics And Chemistry Of Graphite Electrode Specification SpecificResistance(μΩ.m) ... | |
等静压石墨 | Isostatic graphite characteristics and characteristics FIne grain cool press graphite material is a new type material which was presented in the l... | |
等静压石墨 | Isostatic graphite characteristics and characteristics FIne grain cool press graphite material is a new type material which was presented in the l... | |
等静压石墨 | Isostatic graphite characteristics and characteristics FIne grain cool press graphite material is a new type material which was presented in the l... | |
等静压石墨 | Isostatic graphite characteristics and characteristics FIne grain cool press graphite material is a new type material which was presented in the l... | |
石墨电极 | Product Detail: Indices Of physics And Chemistry Of Graphite Electrode Specification SpecificResistance(μΩ.m) Young'sM... | |
中粗石墨 | Brief introduction to produpts The maximum grain size of our extruded graphite is 0.5mm &0.8mm. With advanced technology and our own experienc... |