




大兴安岭科丽尔生物工程有限公司是成立于2003年3月。公司位于中国唯一没有被污染的一块净土---大兴安岭加格达奇,这里的野生资源非常丰富。野生蓝莓(blueberry)红豆(lingonberry)在10万吨左右,可收购量1万吨左右,我公司每年收购2000-3000吨。公司引进欧洲树莓种植树莓2000亩,年产3000吨左右。   公司主要产品为:1.天然色素:主要包括蓝莓花青素、接骨木色素、黑加仑色素、岩藻黄质等50余种植物天然色素。 2. IQF速冻果:主要包括蓝莓速冻果、越桔速冻果、黑加仑速冻果. 3.浓缩果汁:主要包括在:蓝莓浓缩果汁、黑加仑浓缩果汁。产品已由研制开发阶段转向大批量生产,公司80%以上产品全部出口美国、欧洲。   为了满足客户的要求,公司于2005年扩建了冷库,现在蓝莓、红豆年产量达到3000吨左右。欢迎国内外客商来电洽谈,参观指导。


blueberry anthocyanin
blueberry anthocyanin Blueberry Anthocyanin is extracted from the fruit of wild-living blueberry by CO2-supercritical extraction method with the anthocyanin content up t...
elderberry pigment
elderberry pigment Cyanin haematochrome is the main part of the elderberry color. We can see purple red powder with our naked eyes. It is easily water-soluble. It is ...
black bean red
black bean red Cyanidine-3- galactoside , cyanidine-3- glucoside, dilphinidin triglucoside are the main parts of the black bean red. It is water-fast. The raw m...
black currant color
black currant color Delphinidin, Cy-3-rut, dp-3-rut, cy-3-glu, Dp-3-glu are the main parts of the black currant color.We can see purple liquid or powder with our nak...
lingonberry red
lingonberry red (info at healthynaturalcolor dot com) Cyanidine-3-galactoside,Cyanidine-3-arabinoside,paeonidin-3-arabinoside,etc are the main parts of the Lingon...