




中国著名的橡胶密封件制造商和工厂,公司成立于2000年,我们专业生产骨架油封、O型圈、防尘套、护套、橡胶垫圈、保护线圈等密封产品。 它已有20多年的历史。


Rubber Oil Seal
Rubber Oil Seal 骨架油封()的作用一般是在传动部件中将需要润滑的部位与输出部位隔离开,以免让 润滑油泄漏。 通常用于转轴,是一种转轴唇形密封。 骨架就像构件钢筋内部的混凝土,起到加强作用,并使油封保持其形状和张力。 按骨架型式可分为内骨架油封、外骨架油封、内外骨架油封。
skeleton oil seal
skeleton oil seal the rubber O-ring has the following advantages: 1. Suitable for various sealing forms: static sealing, dynamic sealing, Suitable for ...
Seal Natural disasters, political instability, or economic downturns can disrupt the supply of raw materials or the production process. Inconsisten...
China Rubber Oil Seal
China Rubber Oil Seal Discover the precision and reliability of China's rubber oil seals, setting the standard for quality in the global market. These seals are engineer...
Rubber Seal
Rubber Seal Elevate your sealing solutions with our premium Rubber Seals! Engineered for precision and durability, our Rubber Seals are the ultimate choice for...
Rubber Seal
Rubber Seal Elevate your sealing solutions with our premium Rubber Seals! Engineered for precision and durability, our Rubber Seals are the ultimate choice for...
Rubber Seal Manufacturer
Rubber Seal Manufacturer The Rubber Seal is a versatile product that can be customized to fit a wide range of applications. Whether you're looking to seal doo...
Skeleton Oil Seal
Skeleton Oil Seal Introducing our premium oil seal solution, designed to ensure optimal performance and longevity in various industrial applications. T...