信达实业是专业生产销售水泥混凝土搅拌站、稳定土厂拌和设备和沥青混凝土搅拌设备三大系列三十余种路面搅拌设备。 随着公司产品遍布国内并出口东欧、东南亚,公司在全国各地已经建立了完善的售后服务网络,随时为客户提供搞笑的技术咨询和服务,同时,公司建立了内部信息化管理网络系统,进一步提高工作效率和管理水平,保证用户放心使用并发挥最大的价值。
沥青搅拌站 | Mobile double drums asphalt mixing plant, consists of aggregate elevator, burner, dryer, asphalt weighing conveyor, filler weighing conveyor, walki... | |
沥青搅拌站 | Consists of mixer, finished-product hopper, automatic weighing batcher(optional), electrical cabinet and filler conveyor (for coal) etc. The mixer ... | |
沥青搅拌站 | The HMA facility product line is designed to fit the needs of today’s producers. Batch plants come in portable, re-locatable and stationary v... | |
混凝土搅拌站 | The WBS serial modular stabilized mixing plant, mainly uses in the construction of base layer of high-way, urban road, airport, seaport, and produc... | |
Mobile stabilized mixing plant | Mainly used in the construction of base layer of high-way, urban road, airport, seaport, and producing the gray soil layer and mixing the compactab... | |
混凝土搅拌站 | HZS serial modular concrete mixing plant, based on several new foreign technologies, integrated years’ experience of making concrete mixing p... | |
Mobile concrete mixing plant | Mobile concrete mixing plant is an innovated trailable mobile concrete mixing plant with new structure; a trailing unit is designed to fulfill a va... |