




A&S机械有限公司发电机部是一个高品质,耐用性和成本效益的发电机和发电机部件的全球供应商。 我们主要提供柴油发电机组,汽油发电机,便携式发电机。提供发电机和发电机部件品牌雅马哈,GENERAC,生命力,开普,百夫长,霍尼韦尔,道依茨,俄南,力帆,瓦克,王道,康明斯,Boliy,特洛伊比尔特,久保田,布里格斯和斯特拉顿和希望。 我们在生产和供应,发电机组及零件的广泛参与。这些产品是环保型运作和提供各种型号,并有助于实现节省大量的运行成本。此外,我们可以提供50W至8000千瓦发电机,满足完美动力的要求,在各个领域,如民用建筑,农村,工厂,医院,建筑,家居,等。 A&S发电机是致力于消除浪费,我们做什么,并导致可持续发展的经济,环境效益和社会效益的做法。为A&S的主要目标是提供最先进和最高效的发电机及发电机配件及解决方案给你。所以,你与A&S的合作是追求质量和价值,环境友好型。


本田 5250 瓦 发电机
本田 5250 瓦 发电机 A&S Machinery mainly offers Honda 5250 watt Generators. 5250 watt generators with other brands:Honda,Yamaha,Kipor,Honeywell,Lifan,Clarke,Wac...
雅马哈 5250 瓦 发电机
雅马哈 5250 瓦 发电机 A&S Machinery mainly offers Yamaha 5250 watt Generators. 5250 watt generators with other brands:Honda,Yamaha,Kipor,Honeywell,Lifan,Clarke,Wac...
开普 5250 瓦发电机
开普 5250 瓦发电机 A&S Machinery mainly offers Kipor 5250 watt Generators. 5250 watt generators with other brands:Honda,Yamaha,Kipor,Honeywell,Lifan,Clarke,Wack...
霍尼韦尔6000瓦的发电机 A&S Machinery mainly offers Honeywell 6000 watt Generators. 6000 watt generators with other brands:Honda,Yamaha,Kipor,Honeywell,Lifan,Clarke,...
力帆3650瓦的发电机 A&S Machinery mainly offers Lifan 3650 watt Generators. 3650 watt generators with other brands:Honda,Yamaha,Kipor,Honeywell,Lifan,Clarke,Wack...
力帆3650瓦的发电机 A&S Machinery mainly offers Lifan 3650 watt Generators. 3650 watt generators with other brands:Honda,Yamaha,Kipor,Honeywell,Lifan,Clarke,Wack...
克拉克3650瓦的发电机 A&S Machinery mainly offers Clarke 3650 watt Generators. 3650 watt generators with other brands:Honda,Yamaha,Kipor,Honeywell,Lifan,Clarke,Wac...
瓦克4000瓦的发电机 A&S Machinery mainly offers Wacker 4000 watt Generators. 4000 watt generators with other brands:Honda,Yamaha,Kipor,Honeywell,Lifan,Clarke,W...
川崎4000瓦的发电机 A&S Machinery mainly offers Kawasaki 4000 watt Generators. 4000 watt generators with other brands:Honda,Yamaha,Kipor,Honeywell,Lifan,Clarke,W...
赫斯基4000瓦特发生器 A&S Machinery mainly offers Husky 4000 watt Generators. 4000 watt generators with other brands:Honda,Yamaha,Kipor,Honeywell,Lifan,Clarke,Wack...
特洛伊比尔特4400瓦特发生器 A&S Machinery mainly offers Troy Bilt 4400 watt Generators. 4400 watt generators with other brands:Honda,Yamaha,Kipor,Honeywell,Lifan,Clarke,...
斯蒂尔4400瓦的发电机 A&S Machinery mainly offers Steele 4400 watt Generators. 4400 watt generators with other brands:Honda,Yamaha,Kipor,Honeywell,Lifan,Clarke,Wac...
HOMELITE5000瓦的发电机 A&S Machinery mainly offers Homelite 5000 watt Generators. 5000 watt generators with other brands:Honda,Yamaha,Kipor,Honeywell,Lifan,Clarke,W...
奥南5000瓦的发电机 A&S Machinery mainly offers Onan 5000 watt Generators. 5000 watt generators with other brands:Honda,Yamaha,Kipor,Honeywell,Lifan,Clarke,Wacke...
百夫长5000瓦的发电机 A&S Machinery mainly offers Centurion 5000 watt Generators. 5000 watt generators with other brands:Honda,Yamaha,Kipor,Honeywell,Lifan,Clarke...
布里格斯和斯特拉顿5000瓦特发电机 A&S Machinery mainly offers Briggs and Stratton 5000 watt Generators. 5000 watt generators with other brands:Honda,Yamaha,Kipor,Honeywell,Lif...
约翰·迪尔4400瓦 发电机
约翰·迪尔4400瓦 发电机 A&S Machinery mainly offers John Deere 4400 watt Generators. 4400 watt generators with other brands:Honda,Yamaha,Kipor,Honeywell,Lifan,Clarke...
开普 KDE19STA3 发电机
开普 KDE19STA3 发电机 * High efficiency and low noise of the direct injection combustion chamber * The air intake and outlet pipe is separated,which avoids the turbul...
开普 KDE16EA3 发电机
开普 KDE16EA3 发电机 * High efficiency and low noise of the directinjection combustion chamber * The air intake and outlet pipe is separated,which avoids the turbule...
开普 KDE11SS 发电机
开普 KDE11SS 发电机 * Better performance * Automatic switching over * Ultra-silent running * Integrated control system * Safer power for sensitive equipments
开普 KDE35SS 发电机
开普 KDE35SS 发电机 * Better performance * Automatic switching over * Ultra-silent running * Integrated control system * Safer power for sensitive equipments
开普 KDE35SS3 发电机
开普 KDE35SS3 发电机 * Better performance * Automatic switching over * Ultra-silent running * Integrated control system * Safer power for sensitive equipments
开普 KDE100SS3 发电机
开普 KDE100SS3 发电机 * Better performance * Automatic switching over * Ultra-silent running * Integrated control system * Safer power for sensitive equipments
开普 KDE23SS3 发电机
开普 KDE23SS3 发电机 * Better performance * Automatic switching over * Ultra-silent running * Integrated control system * Safer power for sensitive equipments
开普 KDE36SS3 发电机
开普 KDE36SS3 发电机 * Better performance * Automatic switching over * Ultra-silent running * Integrated control system * Safer power for sensitive equipments
开普 KDE118SS3 发电机
开普 KDE118SS3 发电机 * Better performance * Automatic switching over * Ultra-silent running * Integrated control system * Safer power for sensitive equipments