
Concrete Mixer Truck

Concrete mixer pump truck is a special truck used to transport concrete used in construction, Because of its appearance, it is often called the field screw truck, olive truck. These trucks are equipped with cylindrical agitators to carry the mixed concrete. During the transportation, the stirring tube will always rotate to ensure that the concrete carried will not solidify. After delivering the concrete, water is usually used to wash the inside of the mixer to prevent residual concrete from hardening and taking up space, so that the mixing tube volume is less and less.

The cement mixer lorryis composed of automobile chassis and special equipment for concrete mixing transportation. The chassis of the concrete mixing truck produced in our country mostly adopts the second kind universal chassis provided by the whole truck manufacturer. Its special mechanism mainly includes mixing drum, drive system, water service, full power force extractor, support for front and rear agitator tube, reducer, hydraulic transmission system, input and output materials system, control mechanism and cleaning system. It works by taking the power out of the chassis through a force extractor, and drive the hydraulic system variable pump, convert mechanical energy into hydraulic energy for transmission to the quantitative motor, the motor drives the reducer again, the concrete mixer truck is driven by a reducer, mix the concrete.

Concrete mixer lorryis a device that homogeneously combines cement, aggregate such as sand or gravel, and water to form concrete. A typical concrete mixer uses a revolving drum to mix the components. For smaller volume works, portable concrete mixers are often used so that the concrete can be made at the construction site, giving the workers ample time to use the concrete before it hardens. An alternative to a machine is mixing concrete by hand. This is usually done in a wheelbarrow; however, several companies have recently begun to sell modified tarps for this purpose.

Since establishment, Teila is all along dedicated to concrete machinery. Our main products include concrete truck mounted pumps, concrete boom pumps, line pumps, trailer pumps, concrete mixing trucks & plants, etc. There are top global well-known brands including Sany, Zoomlion, Putzmeister, Schwing and so on. Each collection contains New, Used, Refurbished(remanufactured) machines, and spare parts.

Therefore Teila target clients are very specific. They commonly need the machines used for the transportation of concrete in the building of urban area, sports venues, residential area, overpass, railway, airport, etc. As long as there is demand for these 4 classes of products, Teila can fulfill the desires of clients from any dimension. From maintenance cost, quality standard, service effectivity integrated into a whole value chain based on purchaser requirements.

The structure and characteristics of Teila products are summarized as follows:

Firstly, All the concrete machines are goods in stock. Teila is a supplier as well as a factory, we have maintenance & remanufacture workshop and super remanufacture engineer team in Xiangtan, Hunan, China.

Secondly, For the used concrete machine, engineers have a strict review mechanism for the supply and manipulate of the concrete machine, checking over 500 items and fill in the first inspection list. Equipment that meets to Teila evaluate standard can enter the factory to be maintained. We ensure there is zero failure in the machine before it leaves the factory. Our Equipment features low risk, small investment, and fruitful returns.

Thirdly, For the refurbished(remanufactured) concrete equipment, we have superior and exquisite remanufacture technology. Our Maintenance and remanufacture technology is in a leading position of concrete machine industry. Teila Remanufacture team has added the industry-leading standard system of "one, two, three, four and five level". Strict maintenance and inspection in accordance to standardize procedures, Implement the system operation, standardize management, ensure customers are convenient to use.

Fourthly, from purchase to shipping one-stop offerings and there is no worry from cost to after-sale service.

We have concrete mixer pump truck for sale, RFQ today!


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