Combined Type Series
Combined Type Supercapacitor for Sale
- Supercapacitors in Series
Two featured combined supercapacitor: SE and SP Series. Typical applications: RAM, detonator, car recorder, smart meter, vacuum switch, digital camera, motor drive, clock circuit, UPS, toy, program-controlled switch, etc.
Kamcap has two types of 7.5V combined supercapacitor for sale: standard energy series and standard power series.
Typical applications: RAM, detonator, car recorder, smart meter, vacuum switch, digital camera, motor drive and so on.
- Supercaps
SP-6R0 belongs to SP Series. Its rated voltage VR is 6.0V and surge voltage is 6.3V. The capacity range is from 0.1F to 12F.
Cases of Supercapacitors in Different Application
Kamcap supercapacitor is widely applied in different industries. As one of supercapacitor manufacturers, we can also customize super capacitors with special parameters according to the needs of customers from diferent industries.
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