
How to classify garbage?
How to classify garbage? 卖方: ISO, CE, SGS, TUV How to classify garbage? Garbage sorting machine manufacturersaid that waste classification must ...
Waste Sorting Needs To Encourage Innovation
Waste Sorting Needs To Encourage Innovation 卖方: ISO, CE, SGS, TUV Waste Sorting Needs To Encourage Innovation Your family community began to “demolition corr...
The knowledge of garbage sorting machine or waste sorting system
The knowledge of garbage sorting machine or waste sorting system 卖方: ISO, CE, SGS, TUV The knowledge of garbage sorting machine or waste sorting system Human beings will produce a lot ...
Garbage Sorting Machine Manufacturer, Recycling Sorting Equipment, Waste Recycling Equipment
Garbage Sorting Machine Manufacturer, Recycling Sorting Equipment, Waste Recycling Equipment 卖方: ISO, CE, SGS, TUV Garbage Sorting Machine Manufacturer, Recycling Sorting Equipment, Waste Recycling Equipment Expe...
Analyze the Unique Advantages of Exhaust Gas Biological Treatment Technology
Analyze the Unique Advantages of Exhaust Gas Biological Treatment Technology 卖方: ISO, CE, SGS, TUV Analyze the Unique Advantages of Exhaust Gas Biological Treatment Technology The main principle o...
Sanitation equipment cleaning process about waste sorting system
Sanitation equipment cleaning process about waste sorting system 卖方: ISO, CE, SGS, TUV Sanitation equipment cleaning processabout With the development of the times, municipal sol...
Large market development requires paper baler machine
Large market development requires paper baler machine 卖方: ISO, CE, SGS, TUV Large market development requires The final link of packaging as a commodity into the market is ...
The introduction of waste compacting machine  Semi Automatic Baler
The introduction of waste compacting machine Semi Automatic Baler 卖方: ISO, CE, SGS, TUV The introduction of waste compacting machineSemi Automatic Baler The garbage compaction treatment...
Fuzhou kitchen waste sorting project display
Fuzhou kitchen waste sorting project display 卖方: ISO, CE, SGS, TUV In the environmental protection industry, qunfeng is a professional production of waste liquid c...
CATHODE COPPER 卖方: Anyang Daguan Metal Material co. Ltd CATHODE COPPER Quality requirements for cathode copper: copper concentrateis produced by electrol...
COPPER WIRE SCRAP 卖方: Anyang Daguan Metal Material co. Ltd COPPER WIRE SCRAP Introduction Good electrical and thermal conductivity. In life, copper wireis u...
QT-TQ0303汽油动力完整根采样钻 卖方: 渠道科技 产品描述:该采样钻由两冲程汽油发动机提供动力,这保证了它无需外部电源即可在现场进行根采样。QT-TQ0303汽油动力完整根采样钻特征:二冲程汽油机,省力加强的切割头,易于使用,使用寿命长可更换切...
QT-TQ0302完整根采样钻具套件 卖方: 渠道科技 产品说明:QT-TQ0302完整的根部采样钻具套件可用于收集长达15厘米的完整土壤样品。钻头的底部有一个可更换的锯齿状冠,但是,钻头的顶部较短且不可移动。如果土壤相对较软,则可以将钻头直接插入土...
QT-GT03斜塔 卖方: 渠道科技 QT-GT03塔架易于安装在地面上,然后可以通过提升杆和绞车将其拉起。之后,应调整所有不锈钢风缆,直到塔架直立,然后将其拉紧并固定在地面上。塔的高度可以在10至20米之间自定义。QT-GT03斜...
QT-JS01风吹砂取样器 卖方: 渠道科技 产品描述QT-JS01风吹砂取样器用于利用风力收集风吹沉积物通量。QT-JS01风吹砂取样器特征标准砂室垂直打开。沙室的开度可以根据风向自动调节。室上方有60目筛。当空气流过时,空气中的物质会留...
QT-03按钮温度/相对湿度记录仪 卖方: 渠道科技 T-03系列按钮温度/ HR记录器用于测量空气温度和相对湿度或土壤温度。仪表体积小,具有不锈钢外壳。QT-03按钮数据记录仪具有防水功能,功能强大且价格实惠。 QT-03-2温度记录仪将记录8,...
QT-WT01水下按钮温度数据记录仪 卖方: 渠道科技 T-WT01水下按钮温度数据记录器是一种精确,小型且易于使用的设备。 它可以放置在水下30米的深处,以监视水中的长期温度变化。QT-WT01水下按钮温度数据记录仪技术参数模型B101温度测量范围...
QT-PH010 pH /温度/湿度三合一仪表
QT-PH010 pH /温度/湿度三合一仪表 卖方: 渠道科技 产品描述:QT-PH010 pH /温度/湿度计是一款三合一仪器,设计独特。 其可折叠结构方便用户从不同角度测量液体样品。 它体积小,重量轻且便于携带,带有可更换电极。 它的ABS外壳易于清洁和...
-RTH空气温度/湿度计 卖方: 渠道科技 产品描述便携式或长期观察空气温度和湿度。QT-RTH空气温度/湿度计特征可以记录GPS协调自动或手动记录数据通过Wi-Fi进行无线数据传输通过二维码识别传感器自动识别连接的传感器终端存储卡最大支...
QT-SC02变频振动太阳能杀虫灯 卖方: 渠道科技 产品描述:QT-SC02频率振动太阳能杀虫灯可广泛用于农业,林业,蔬菜,烟草,仓储,酿酒,花园,果园,城市绿化,水产养殖等,特别是在棉铃虫侵袭的领域。该灯可捕获和杀死农作物害虫,森林害虫,水果害...
QT-SP212太阳辐射数据记录仪 卖方: 渠道科技 产品描述 太阳辐射是地球上水平面上直接和漫射太阳辐射的总和。太阳辐射的单位为W / m2。 QT-SP212太阳辐射数据记录仪是一种测量精度高,稳定性好,抗外界干扰能力强的仪器。它可以广泛用于环...
QT-SQ200 PAR数据记录仪
QT-SQ200 PAR数据记录仪 卖方: 渠道科技 应用 植物的五种光合作用反应,包括光合作用,色素合成,光周期,趋光性和形态突变,都发生在400〜700nm的波长范围内。因此,辐射在400〜700nm的波长称为光合有效辐射(PAR),其符号为Q...
FDY-1250 Full Automatic Baler Machine,baler machine for paper,paper baler machine
FDY-1250 Full Automatic Baler Machine,baler machine for paper,paper baler machine 卖方: ISO, CE, SGS, TUV FDY-1250 Full Automatic Baler Machine,baler machine for paper,paper baler machine Usage Specializ...
waste to energy system,waste treatment system,waste sorting plant
waste to energy system,waste treatment system,waste sorting plant 卖方: ISO, CE, SGS, TUV waste to energy system,waste treatment system,waste sorting plant Waste to Energy(WTE) technology...
waste sorting plant,waste to energy system,waste treatment system
waste sorting plant,waste to energy system,waste treatment system 卖方: ISO, CE, SGS, TUV waste sorting plant,waste to energy system,waste treatment system This interactive graphic explai...
Waste To Energy (RDF&SRF),waste sorting machine,waste sorting plant,waste sorting machine
Waste To Energy (RDF&SRF),waste sorting machine,waste sorting plant,waste sorting machine 卖方: ISO, CE, SGS, TUV Waste To Energy(RDF&SRF),waste sorting machine,waste sorting plant,waste sorting machine PEAK...