
High efficiency air filter, The bag air filter, The central air conditioning screen manufacturers , Nylon nets air filter manufacturers , Activated carbon air filter manufacturers
High efficiency air filter, The bag air filter, The central air conditioning screen manufacturers , Nylon nets air filter manufacturers , Activated carbon air filter manufacturers 卖方: 成都恒丰长青科技有限公司   成都恒丰长青科技有限公司是一家从事空气过滤器及净化设备研发、设计、制造、安装、销售于一体的专业化公司。 空气过滤器是指空气过滤装置,一般用于洁净车间,洁净厂房,实验室及洁净手术室。 空气...
Камера для испытаний на устойчивость к атмосферному воздействию ультрафиолетового излучения
Камера для испытаний на устойчивость к атмосферному воздействию ультрафиолетового излучения 卖方: Xi’an LIB environmental simulation industry Область применения: Камеры данной серии предназначены для проведения испытаний на устойчивость к...
Камера для проведения испытаний покрытий на устойчивость к воздействию дождя
Камера для проведения испытаний покрытий на устойчивость к воздействию дождя 卖方: Xi’an LIB environmental simulation industry This product is applicable for the outer protection of exterior lighting, signal devices and car ...
Камера для проведения климатических испытаний при повышенной концентрации озона
Камера для проведения климатических испытаний при повышенной концентрации озона 卖方: Xi’an LIB environmental simulation industry Область применения: Камеры данной серии предназначены для проведения испытаний на склонность к о...
Dust Ingress Chambers
Dust Ingress Chambers 卖方: Xi’an LIB environmental simulation industry This product is applicable for the dust proof and resistant test of various auto components and p...
Salt spray corrosion test chamber
Salt spray corrosion test chamber 卖方: Xi’an LIB environmental simulation industry This product series can simulate the marine climate and can be used to test the salt fog resistan...
Shock test Chamber
Shock test Chamber 卖方: Xi’an LIB environmental simulation industry Thermal shock test chambers are classified as 2-chamber dynamic shock and 3-chamber static shock....
环境试验箱 卖方: Xi’an LIB environmental simulation industry This product series is widely used in the temperature variation tests, cold resistance tests and ...
石油压裂支撑剂  陶粒砂
石油压裂支撑剂 陶粒砂 卖方: 46828 石油压裂支撑剂(陶粒砂)是一种陶瓷颗粒产品,具有很高的压裂强度,主要用于油田井下支撑,以增加石油天然气的产量,属环保产品。此产品利用优质铝矾土、煤等多种原材料,用陶瓷烧结而成,是天然石英砂、玻璃...
椰壳活性炭 卖方: 新疆华星友邦贸易有限公司 项目 指 标 碘吸附值(mg/g) ≥ 900 充填密度(g/cm3) 0.45 干燥失重(%) ≤ 10 强度(%) ≥ 97 PH值 6-8 粒度(目) 6-1...
针刺无纺布防油防水抗静电覆膜滤布和除尘布袋 卖方: 浙江华顶滤料有限公司 工业滤布,针刺毡,机织布,除尘布袋,液体过滤袋,压滤机滤布,空气过滤,油烟过滤,滤布,除尘袋笼支架龙骨,文氏管,透气布,滤网,筛网,工业用纱线,文氏管
工业滤材针刺无纺布和除尘布袋 卖方: 浙江华顶滤料有限公司 工业滤布,针刺毡,机织布,除尘布袋,液体过滤袋,压滤机滤布,空气过滤,油烟过滤,滤布,除尘袋笼支架龙骨,文氏管,透气布,滤网,筛网,工业用纱线,文氏管
工业滤材滤布除尘布袋 卖方: 浙江华顶滤料有限公司 工业滤布,针刺毡,机织布,除尘布袋,液体过滤袋,压滤机滤布,空气过滤,油烟过滤,滤布,除尘袋笼支架龙骨,文氏管,透气布,滤网,筛网,工业用纱线,文氏管
Aqua Water Filter & services -
Aqua Water Filter & services - 卖方: Aqua Plus We are Manufacturer and Service Provider of Water Treatment Plants, Domestic & Commercial ...
Mineral Water Domestic RO Plant Pakistan -
Mineral Water Domestic RO Plant Pakistan - 卖方: Aqua Plus We are Manufacturer and Service Provider of Water Treatment Plants, Domestic & Commercial ...
Pakistan RO Plants Manufacturer- Aqua Plus -
Pakistan RO Plants Manufacturer- Aqua Plus - 卖方: Aqua Plus We are Manufacturer and Service Provider of Water Treatment Plants, Domestic & Commercial ...
JJJ Series Precision Oil-Purifying Dispenser
JJJ Series Precision Oil-Purifying Dispenser 卖方: 重庆今润机电有限公司 Description: Used for major repairing and installing device, and emergency operation for device&...
YFQ High Efficiency Oil Water Separator
YFQ High Efficiency Oil Water Separator 卖方: 重庆今润机电有限公司 The equipment is new designed novelty oil water separation device which focus on removing oil fro...
LKJ Series Phosphate Fire-resistant Oil (Sythetic Oil) Purifier
LKJ Series Phosphate Fire-resistant Oil (Sythetic Oil) Purifier 卖方: 重庆今润机电有限公司 Description: Specially used for rebirth handle of fire-resistant oil used for speed adjustment s...
FZJ Series Explosion-Proof Vacuum Oil Purifier
FZJ Series Explosion-Proof Vacuum Oil Purifier 卖方: 重庆今润机电有限公司 Description: Used for flammability and exploding circle, and rebirth purifying handle of industr...
JZJ Series High-Efficiency (Insulating Oil) Vacuum Oil Purifier
JZJ Series High-Efficiency (Insulating Oil) Vacuum Oil Purifier 卖方: 重庆今润机电有限公司 Description: Used for purification of insulating oil used by 35kv and above power transmission a...
TZJ Series Vacuum Oil Purifier Special for Turbine Oil
TZJ Series Vacuum Oil Purifier Special for Turbine Oil 卖方: 重庆今润机电有限公司 Description: Used for breathing into new oil and handling unqualified turbine oil, especially fo...
RZJ 润滑油真空滤油机
RZJ 润滑油真空滤油机 卖方: 重庆今润机电有限公司 Description: Used for breathe into new oil and rebirth handle of unqualified high accuracy lubri...
液压油过滤机 卖方: 中能过滤设备有限公司 This lubricating oil purification machine, manufactured by Chongqing Zhongneng Oil Purifier Manuf...
中能变压器油滤油机 卖方: 中能过滤设备有限公司 Used transformer oil filtration system, purification and dehydration Series ZYD Double-stage t...
中能滤油机 卖方: 中能过滤设备有限公司 Double-Stage Vacuum Regeneration Insulating Oil Purifier Gmail ID: vienzhang Hotmail ID: vien...