
Baler For Agricultural Products

Baler For Agricultural Products

Plastic Baler Machine Factory

Paper Baler Machine

Qunfeng balers compact these materials as well, producing bales with a density 33 times higher compared to the incoming material. They are therefore particularly suitable for all those agricultural companies that need to optimize costs. The bales obtained can be stored for long periods and be used as forage during the winter season or as biomass for production of alternative energies.

Companies operating in the agricultural sector that want to optimize storage and transport costs need to reduce the volume of certain products, such as hay. If not baled this product would occupy too much space making it impossible to transport it.

Qunfeng balers compact these materials as well, producing bales with a density 33 times higher compared to the incoming material. They are therefore particularly suitable for all those agricultural companies that need to optimize costs. The bales obtained can be stored for long periods and be used as forage during the winter season or as biomass for production of alternative energies.

The high compaction factor and the bale square format represent two essential features to reduce the occupied volumes and to facilitate storage of the raw material.

For this reason several agricultural companies around the world have already contacted Qunfeng to find a solution to their storage and transport problems.

Baler is to reduce the volume of recyclable materials and produce compressed bales by using the powerful force of hydraulic cylinder. Baler is popularly used for continuous compression of wastes with recyclable value such as paper, cardboard and plastics; drum baler used for continuous compression of PET bottles, paper and cardboard. Automatic control by PLC and tight wire coupling can help produce tightly compressed bales and provide users with the convenient and safe operation. The compressed bales allow the users to have more storage space and transportation highly economical. Baler is typically installed on the final discharge section of MSW system.



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