
Cryogenic liquid Cylinder Filling Pump

Liquids Pumped
LO2 , LN2 , LAR , LNG
Technical Parameters
♦max discharge pressure:15Mpa~20Mpa

Optional Configuration

♦ Frequency converter
♦ Overpressure interlocking device
♦ Safe valve/Cryogenic check valve
♦ Temperature interlocking device of outlet
♦ Temperature interlocking device inside pump

♦ Classic design, stable performance, service life of product can last as long 20 years
♦ Vacuum jacketed pump head with 10-5 torr vacuum degree and low cold loss
♦ Reliable sealing effect, filling service life is as many as 1500,000 cylinder times.
♦ Service life of piston ring is as many as 300,000 cylinder times.
♦ Convenient reparation, regularly Only 2 hours will be enough
♦ Can be kept functioning continuously for 24 hours


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