hot narrow strip rolling mill production line
Steel-rolling Engineering Division is SINOM’s main technology engineering force. Steel-rolling Engineering Division has held good command of the state-of-the-arts technology in steel rolling and is competent in research and development of new processes, new technology and new equipment and in technical integration. Intellectual property rights and the rich experiences it possesses in the modern steel rolling design/engineering domain established its self in the leading position inside China in respects of bar mills, high-speed wire rod mills, bar-in-coil mills, continuous section mills, H section mills and plate and strip mills in terms of technological process engineering.Steel-rolling Engineering Division has ability to do various design/engineering, consulting, EPS, or EPC turnkey supply of various rolling mills, including bar mills, wire rod mills, small section mills, large H section mills, medium section mills, wide plate mills, hot rolled strip mills, cold rolled strip mills, coated plate mills, seamless pipe mills, welded pipe mills, metal product mills, etc. In these projects, designed production capacity is quickly reached with satisfactory performance guarantee values which are internationally accepted.
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