hot wire rod rolling mill production line
SINOM GROUP CO., LTD. has maintained the leading position in China in the aspect of wire rod process, equipment and technology, possessing superior technology with independent intellectual property right for SINOM top-crossing 45°high speed wire finishing train, being able for complete independent design and equipment packaged supply of wire rod rolling mill. It is capable to make the max. guaranteed speed more than 100 m/s on the bases of proven rolling mill with max. designed speed 113m/s and max. guaranteed speed 90 m/s. SINOM has sufficient performance references for wire rod mill project, especially in aspect of customized requirement, using different layout such as semi-continuous process, zigzag layout, discontinuous rolling process and multi-line rolling to meet different requirement by customers for product, investment, space and output. Our company possesses the unique know-hows of forging, metallurgy, NC machining, heat and surface treatments, a lot of precision equipment, and has the capability to do test and inspection of machined, riveted and welded, hand-assembled or hydraulic parts or assemblies, and inspection and trial running of complete high-speed wire rolling mill line. Its test benches can be used to test run 90m-135m/s high-speed wire finish rolling mills and pre-finish rolling mills at varied speed with all the necessary parameters taken by sophisticated measuring systems. Successfully developed a new kind top-cross 45°super-speed mill which the test speed reach to 140m/s. It means that there is a successful update on finishing mill productions, and it must bring a new revolution for customer’s high speed wire rode machine line.
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