
Wear-resistant rubber sheet

Advanced production technology, the performance with the world's leading standard

Creative technology reserves the molecular chain of natural rubber. The content of natural rubber reaches 97%; uniform rubber vulcanization, strong comprehensive performance

Tests show that Xinhai Wear - resistant Rubber sheet owns excellent performance:

Wear resistance index 128%

Resilience 80%

Tensile strength 23.5MP

Tearing strength 168N/mm

High wear resistance and corrosion resistance, 1 mm per hour wear records

The wear resistance index of Xinhai Wear - resistant Rubber sheet reaches 128%

1 mm wear experiment shows that Xinhai Wear - resistant Rubber which takes 100 hours to wear 1 mm wins out over the other kinds of rubber which takes 13.8 hour and 24 hour respectively to wear 1 mm.

The excellent wear - resistant performance effectively prolongs the rubber service life.

Wear - resistant rubber sheet, excellent elasticity, consumption reduction, voice reduction

Xinhai Wear - resistant rubber with high elasticity is different from the hard materials such as cast stone, compounding ceramics, alloy, iron, etc. It can effectively absorb and repulse the impact and friction force, which takes the loss to a minimum, the noise to the lowest, showing the characteristics of softkill.

Flexible and convenient cutting, wide application

Cutting and bonding the wear - resistant rubber to meet various shape and surface requirements, according to the need of piping, pipe fittings, hopper, chute, cylinder, and so on.


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